Micro Plotters: Rates and Conversions


I use a 150' tape to measure it down to the foot on length and width and then thumb it from there for edges and curves. Even doing it that way, I'm surprised at how far off we are from what I thought it was. Great point Phil.
Use a range finder as well.
[QUOTE="MoLandOwner, post: 68932, member: 614" These are the same type of farmers I fill out their check for them, for their purchase amount, because they don't know how to read or write. And I am dead serious![/QUOTE]

I have just a very few of those farmers left, but you know what?

The check is almost always good.
You can use a gps and walk the perimeter, it will calculate the plot size.
I never weigh much of the seed I plant, the first time I planted e-wheat I way over seeded it so I started weighing the e-wheat and found that a 1lb sour cream tub is really close to a lb. The other seeds I tried are pretty close but I'm sure the cereal grains are not, haven't tried them.

You can use a gps and walk the perimeter, it will calculate the plot size.

Or get an app for your cell phone.
I measure out my seed I need in micro plots on a digital scale and put it in a ziploc. Very easy.

I have been guilty of way overseeding and way underseeding.

I use google planimeter to figure out the size of all my plots and with that I am able to figure out my exact seed rate needed.
I downloaded this last night. That is a hell of a nifty app!