Meyer spruce


5 year old buck +
Over Christmas break I spent some time bud capping my trees. I came across 15-18 trees that had extremely bristled needles and were very STOUT for their size. They were unlike all of my other trees and I was a little puzzled. A few of these just got a weed mat last spring and the rest do not have a weed mat yet. The ones I weed matted took off almost immediately. I thought they were norway spruce, but they did not feel like other norways that I bud capped.

I thought about it for a few days and then remembered that back in 2018, I planted a few dozen meyers spruce. I had completely forgot about them. Completely neglected trees that never got the premium care that I give all of my new trees. I did a little research to refresh my memory on meyers spruce. I will be planting another 10-12 this year and also giving the existing ones special treatment to get them going. I do believe they are highly deer resistant, especially once established. Mine have never been caged, but I can tell they were browsed in their youth.

They are a fantastic replacement for blue spruce. Do a little research. I will be adding them to my yearly plantings. I wanna eventually have plenty of these. Sound like a really great tree. Thick, stout, disease/deer/drought resistant and retains those thick branches like black hills spruce.

I'll look up Meyer's spruce. I'd like to plant some BH and maybe Meyer's to add variety at camp. Good you found / re-discovered those Meyer's. They look good, Buck. What are those bud caps made of??

The more light that any type of spruce get, the thicker they'll get. More light = more limbs. Some of ours at camp planted in or near hardwoods where they didn't get as much light grew taller - for more light - but not as thick limb-wise.
I'll look up Meyer's spruce. I'd like to plant some BH and maybe Meyer's to add variety at camp. Good you found / re-discovered those Meyer's. They look good, Buck. What are those bud caps made of??

The more light that any type of spruce get, the thicker they'll get. More light = more limbs. Some of ours at camp planted in or near hardwoods where they didn't get as much light grew taller - for more light - but not as thick limb-wise.

My bud caps are just simple 4x6 index cards ordered off amazon. I fold 1/3 of the card and then wrap it around the central leader. This helps bulk the card up and the staples hold better. Try to catch a few staples into the needles without hitting the leader. I can get them on the tree really snug and they easily last until spring green up. I can probably do 250-300 in an easy morning if my cheapo dollar general stapler is working good. It takes no effort to remove them in the spring.

Here is some additional info on the meyers. I would never plant a blue spruce when we have these available. I do have 3 additional 2 gallon pots I interplanted with some cedars a couple years ago. No cage on them and the deer are leaving them alone. I did the bud caps again this year cause last winter some heavy snow plastered a bunch of my central leaders against the cages and the deer browsed those trees (mostly white pine).

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Like I needed more trees, but they do look good, may have to order some
I’ve never planted them, but thanks for the information. Might be worth a try !
I was just reading about them this past weekend. I’d plans on 2 rows of erc as a windbreak on the north side of my property. I might add a 3rd row and use these Meyers as the middle row with erc on each side of them.
Thanks for this info, Buck. They look like a good spruce to have. They'd make a nice windbreak for our camp cabin - and some at our field edges and in our logged areas. I'll look into several vendors.
I’ve never planted them, but thanks for the information. Might be worth a try !

I think they are gonna grow faster than black hills spruce and slower than white spruce once I get their maintenance completed. I think once they get to 4 feet tall there would be no reason to cage them and you could just get away with a bud cap. My meyers spruce did not get browsed off last winter at all. They range from 16"- 4ft. They had no protection. The needles on them are hard, stiff and prickly. If your land is going to your kids I would get some in the ground this spring. Several of the local SWCDs are selling them. This is the one for Meeker county. Try some of those Austrian pines too if you havent. I have about a dozen from the last 3 years and they are growing nicely so far.

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Looks like a good option. I'll have to plant some of those.