
5 year old buck +
Heads up in case anyone wants make the drive, Steve is slated to be a speaker at this event in Jan.
Hopefully Steve will be speaking on Saturday. I would like to try to make it up there.
If Steve is speaking on Saturday, I would probably make the drive. What else does the show have?
I've never been to it but I know it's not a large show by any means, 40 exhibit tables and 120 gun show tables.
Yes, I'll speak a couple times on Sat, none on Friday. I really don't know anything about the show, except that it's been going on for at least 5-6 yrs now (they tried to get me a couple times before, but I had conflicts. IIRC, 5-6 yrs ago was the first time). I'll also be speaking at Madison. The Madison one is unofficially my swan song. I may or may not take any more speaking gigs in future years (the promoter kicked around the idea of me continuing to do Madison every other year or so), but I'm not doing any outside of a few hrs from my house anymore. I really enjoy doing seminars/talking to hunters, but hated the 5-16 hr, one way drives and those shows eating 5 days (2 travel and 3 at the show).

The AMMO show seminar topic is still open to whatever I want to do it on. For the Madison show, they're giving me an extra 20 mins (70 mins) to tackle a pretty aggressive combo tactic. The first half will be on creating a plan of attack for hunting any property (even if it's public grounds). The second half will be on how to lay out a property for improvements. It should go in reverse order, but the thought is that this way those that don't own their own ground can leave after the first half and not have to sit through a bunch of stuff they can't do anyway.

For the AMMO show, I'm trying to think up something really cool for them. They are paying me what has to be a huge chunk of their gate. So, I want to make it so those that go walk away wanting to come back to the show in future years. I'm learning towards something catered specifically to how I hunt that area of the state, both private and public grounds. What I've found works best, what doesn't, specific to that region. I grew up about 1 hr north of there, went to college about 1 hr east and then worked and hunted around the Eau Claire area for about 10 yrs. I'm guessing they aren't going to get people from IL & MN to that show. So, I think I can get super area specific. Deer may be deer everywhere, but there are most definitely regional differences in what works best and how they react.
I'm sure it will be a real local crowd so area specific topics are a great idea. Good point, deer are deer but there are area differences. The deer of Dunn, Chippewa and Eau Claire County in my experience are some of the most weary deer you'll find because it's full of small wood lots and small farms (outside of the county forest), a higher population base and the hunter density is about as high as it gets. If I'm free and not working a table I'll have to attend.
That reminds me, it's also the 2nd anniversary of the AR/ammo craze that swept the country after Sandy Hook. I grabbed some stuff outta the gun safe and took it down to a show not long after and walked away with 3x what I paid for the stuff I no longer wanted.
I'm sure it will be a real local crowd so area specific topics are a great idea. Good point, deer are deer but there are area differences. The deer of Dunn, Chippewa and Eau Claire County in my experience are some of the most weary deer you'll find because it's full of small wood lots and small farms (outside of the county forest), a higher population base and the hunter density is about as high as it gets. If I'm free and not working a table I'll have to attend.

Naaaah!.....THose are Wisconsin deer.....they can't be THAT smart. ;)
If the weather is good I’d attend. I spent about 10 years over by Eau Claire deer hunting and have found memories of those times. I also went to school with buddy from Menomonie and have spilt a few beers over that way.

I always enjoy the different vendors and like seeing what guys are making. There will probably be some good enclosed blind manufactures which I am interested in seeing.
If the weather is good I’d attend. I spent about 10 years over by Eau Claire deer hunting and have found memories of those times. I also went to school with buddy from Menomonie and have spilt a few beers over that way.

I always enjoy the different vendors and like seeing what guys are making. There will probably be some good enclosed blind manufactures which I am interested in seeing.

Bet there won't be any beers at this show. But if it was sponsored by the Catholics....then look out, first booth in the door would be the BEER booth.;)
I had a booth at this show last year. It's a cool little show, met some good people last year! I'll more than likely be there again this year! Anybody from here swing by and introduce yourself, always good to put a face with a screen name!
Yes, I'll speak a couple times on Sat, none on Friday. I really don't know anything about the show, except that it's been going on for at least 5-6 yrs now (they tried to get me a couple times before, but I had conflicts. IIRC, 5-6 yrs ago was the first time). I'll also be speaking at Madison. The Madison one is unofficially my swan song. I may or may not take any more speaking gigs in future years (the promoter kicked around the idea of me continuing to do Madison every other year or so), but I'm not doing any outside of a few hrs from my house anymore. I really enjoy doing seminars/talking to hunters, but hated the 5-16 hr, one way drives and those shows eating 5 days (2 travel and 3 at the show).

The AMMO show seminar topic is still open to whatever I want to do it on. For the Madison show, they're giving me an extra 20 mins (70 mins) to tackle a pretty aggressive combo tactic. The first half will be on creating a plan of attack for hunting any property (even if it's public grounds). The second half will be on how to lay out a property for improvements. It should go in reverse order, but the thought is that this way those that don't own their own ground can leave after the first half and not have to sit through a bunch of stuff they can't do anyway.

For the AMMO show, I'm trying to think up something really cool for them. They are paying me what has to be a huge chunk of their gate. So, I want to make it so those that go walk away wanting to come back to the show in future years. I'm learning towards something catered specifically to how I hunt that area of the state, both private and public grounds. What I've found works best, what doesn't, specific to that region. I grew up about 1 hr north of there, went to college about 1 hr east and then worked and hunted around the Eau Claire area for about 10 yrs. I'm guessing they aren't going to get people from IL & MN to that show. So, I think I can get super area specific. Deer may be deer everywhere, but there are most definitely regional differences in what works best and how they react.

Hey Steve, do they have the times set that you'll be speaking. I would probably make the trip if I knew the time(s) and it's not updated on their website. Thanks!
No. I'm going to try contacting them tomorrow....Will update.
Sounds good, will you have your book for sale there too?
I was planning on going but I'm working AGAIN this weekend. This will be 19 days straight, out look is till the middle of Feb. non stop. At least the OT will get me some attachments for the tractor.
I was planning on going but I'm working AGAIN this weekend. This will be 19 days straight, out look is till the middle of Feb. non stop. At least the OT will get me some attachments for the tractor.

19 days straight at work? I remember those days, now I hunt 19 days straight!:D
I just left them a voice message and sent an email. I suggested the 11 & 2 slots (I'll update if they don't go for those times). I'm just going to make it a "specific, generic" hunting seminar. By that, I mean, "these are the things I do/find most effective," but cater it as much as I can to that specific region of the state. I've done a decent amount of hunting all around that area.

Yes, I'll drag some books with. It'd be great to meet a handful of you guys!
Unfortunately with hosting a rather large group(for us anyway) for the Packer game this weekend I won't be able to attend.:(:( I have already postponed 1 habitat related "function";) this Saturday so as not to leave momma out in the cold with preparations for 8-10 people for Sundays game and(hopefully) victory party! GO PACK!!! I have to say though, I'm kinda disappointed I won't be making it up there.
No worries, Whip. There's always Madison in a few months. That's always been my fav show, which is why I arranged it so that would be my farewell stop. End with a bang (though I may do that and some other instate appearances in the future, if they'll have me...really enjoy doing seminars, but hate driving 213974658237146 hrs to get there and back. So, the out of state shows are done for this guy.).
If you keep doing them in the future, I hope you have one about keeping it fun. I saw your rant on the other site and I could not agree more. You're not going to get that it's "ok" to shoot a smaller deer if it makes you happy from almost any other well know figure in the industry speaking. There needs to be a Paradigm shift back to it being about the personal experience.

What's the difference anyone shoots a 10pt 3yr old today or 365 days from now? I've been given that line too, "oh man, he would have been a booner in a year." In fact, the landowner (he was very kind and polite) where my buck died told me this was a deer that he was passing up as if to diminish what I just accomplished on public land. Well guess what, he will look good on my wall and it was a nice hunt so he's dead. I can only assume they feel that if given another season they would have killed that deer and it was "stolen" from them. Too much has become about ego's and treating hunting as if it is a sport with baseball like stats and hunter's feel the need to keep up with those they see on TV.