MDC stoops to a new low, kill 12 bucks a year.


I just received a letter from MDC saying as a land owner I can apply for 10 Free CWD permits. That's on top of my purchased Archery and Rifle permit. Bag limits and antler/antlerless restrictions don't apply to CWD permits. And to Ice the cake they will pay me $75 per permit used if I do CWD testing. (Now we work for them)

What an Asinine Idea! I'm sure it's because most Landowners won't allow MDC's snipers on their properties.

Unless I'm reading this wrong. I'll call to find out.
Unfortunately, I am interpreting that statement correctly. Unbelievable...

I think more scary than the state telling us we can do this…is the fact we legitimately have to worry about another “hunter” taking them up on this asinine policy. This is where, just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s ok
Welcome to MN style deer management fellas. On top of copious permits we use 10,000 wolves and 50,000 bears to decimate about 40% of the state.
Goodness.. good neighbors are going to mean a lot in MO with that shit. Reminds me of a recent thread elsewhere, a guy posted up a stud of a virgina buck he killed at night with a thermal on a kill permit. Made me wonder if that shit is going on around me with depredation permits, i should look that up..
Just browsed that thread. What a loser that guy is.
So I can make $750 and kill 10 deer? Hmmmm....

(10 deer could take me 20+ years to get where I hunt lol)

Unfortunately that may be where parts of MO are headed.
Since it is already proven you can't shoot your way to a CWD free herd.
Gotta love the "Kill them before they die," management style. Only thing proven so far is that it isn't working. (Anywhere)
That is really bizarre. We have had CWD positive deer harvested 1/2 a mile from one of our farms and none of us have gotten any of these letters. We aren't that far south of where you are at, Bill.

They are supposedly basing these strategies on research. Where has this type of strategy actually worked? I don't really buy into the insurance company conspiracies. And conservation departments have to know this will have negative impacts on hunting experiences down the road - i.e. it will lower their revenue over time. I just don't see how this is a solution for anyone.
That is really bizarre. We have had CWD positive deer harvested 1/2 a mile from one of our farms and none of us have gotten any of these letters. We aren't that far south of where you are at, Bill.

They are supposedly basing these strategies on research. Where has this type of strategy actually worked? I don't really buy into the insurance company conspiracies. And conservation departments have to know this will have negative impacts on hunting experiences down the road - i.e. it will lower their revenue over time. I just don't see how this is a solution for anyone.
You’ll get a letter in the next year or so if the neighbors don’t buy in and let the snipers come. You’re just outside of this zone. It’s so small “in my area” but big in other places. We didn’t even have a positive. They found one in Iowa close to us. MDC contacted us and wanted to send in the snippers. We all told them pound sand. Hopefully the neighbors stand strong and reject this.

Might have to zoom in on the map. Thankfully it’s only about 10 to 20 farms. The ones I know won’t play. It’s just the 5 acre pieces with a bunch of yahoos I worry about.

And for the record NDA aka QDMA can kiss my ass again for taking the road of where is the $ coming in from this.
I don’t follow?
What’s going to happen is people will use it to keep hunting once they’ve killed their buck(s), not sure if Missouri is a one or two buck state. It’s permission from big brother to keep getting after it when otherwise they would be done and that buck might have made it to next year. Could really bring down the quality of the herd. Collectively we are incapable of doing what’s best for the resource if the government tells us it legal. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen in places like here, I’m cool with whatever someone does as long as it’s legal. Where here’s a good one….
You’ll get a letter in the next year or so if the neighbors don’t buy in and let the snipers come. You’re just outside of this zone. It’s so small “in my area” but big in other places. We didn’t even have a positive. They found one in Iowa close to us. MDC contacted us and wanted to send in the snippers. We all told them pound sand. Hopefully the neighbors stand strong and reject this.

Might have to zoom in on the map. Thankfully it’s only about 10 to 20 farms. The ones I know won’t play. It’s just the 5 acre pieces with a bunch of yahoos I worry about.

Thanks for sharing the link. It looks like the case I mentioned is within one of the boxes. All of our farms are within a few miles of two different zones. Looks like it will be just a matter of time.
I just received a letter from MDC saying as a land owner I can apply for 10 Free CWD permits. That's on top of my purchased Archery and Rifle permit. Bag limits and antler/antlerless restrictions don't apply to CWD permits. And to Ice the cake they will pay me $75 per permit used if I do CWD testing. (Now we work for them)

What an Asinine Idea! I'm sure it's because most Landowners won't allow MDC's snipers on their properties.

As a standard here in Wisconsin, when I purchase my gun & bow buck licenses, as a landowner I get 8 free doe permits. I could also apply for free deer damage tags (agricultural) if i wanted. We had CWD detected here over 30 years ago and everything our DNR has tried to do, and yes they threatened to storm private land with snipers, has done nothing to slow it's spread. Paying hunters to shoot deer is a bad idea.