Mature Buck Kill

Great buck, and nice job waiting for a good one to show up. Nice PR with the farmer too. Good summer & fall - all the way around !!
Thx guys. Lots of haying and unloading the hay. Have lots of hours in with him , but I always had this in the back of my mind : that I would have a good opportunity at a mature buck if he lets me hunt. My work paid off.
Pretty deer. Congrats!
Thx guys-
I texted the taxidermist this morning and he said 4.5 yr old as well without me giving him my guess. I decided not to have him pull the jawbone after watching a video of it on YouTube . Just don’t want anything to go wrong. He is scoring it as well so I will let you know what the final number is.

Congrats! Goes to show you know how to relate rack size in your area to age well!
Yup. You get a good idea after hunting the same area for years. Thx Jack
Dang nice buck! Like the sweater too, I'm on my second one like that Cabela's outfitter wooltimate with windshear...great product.
H20- best sweater I own for hunting. I got 2 of them. They are the best . I always look at the reviews on Cabela’s before I buy anything. They had high reviews, obviously. Thx
Nice buck. Congrats. I've got that same Cabelas it.
Real nice deer.....
Does anyone want to guess the score of my buck? I had it officially scored yesterday. Guess the gross score.

Sorry 146 4/8
Great deer. And well earned. Congratulations on a real prize.
Thanks for sharing. It's always a learning experience guessing the score on a buck whose official score known. Congrats again.
Fantastic Buck. Congrats
Off by an inch!