Last year I went crazy tearing up the house looking for a spare screw in mount I'd bought. I knew I had an extra one, I remembered buying it. I looked and looked for it several nights. Through the back room where the computer is, through my hunting gear and clothes, in my truck. It wasn't about the money, it was the idea. Finally I gave up and ordered another one.
A few weeks later I'm up at camp, out in the woods, I'd unscrewed the camera from that tree and was down on one knee to change the card and the batteries. Too much junk in my pocket, I reach in and get stabbed by the sharp point of the mount in my pocket. So I take it out and toss it on the ground next to me. When I'm done with the swap out, I stand up and look on the ground next to me. Laying there, perfectly side by side like they'd been carefully arranged for a photo are two identical mounts. The one I'd just thrown down and the one I must have thrown down two months before and had been looking for. The universe has a sense of humor.