Looking to seclude the backyard


5 year old buck +
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Here's my neighborhood. Yellow is my families properties. North 2 acres is my house L shape in the middle, a future house site, sourthern parcel in-laws house. Green hashed area is the old town dump, quite grown up now. Easily 30 years of trees. Red hashed area ia a 40 acre parcel for sale, probably going to be subdivided. They want 1.4 million, too rich for my blood. X to the north is a 8 unit or so glamping resort. Can be noisy at times. Blue circle to the north used to be a nice buck bed. That area around it is subdivided, but not being sold now. Might be too wet to build properly. About 5 acres of 3ft tallish fallow field. Hasn't been mowed in atleast 3 years.

Not looking to get 150 scored bucks in here. Be nice to see some more does around the edge of daylight make often. Inlaws been fickle about the shared parcel. Wanted some of it unmowed, they want it maintained. But can put some more rows of spruce trees, more apples.

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Red lines are apple trees. Green lines are mostly spruce trees. Blue square is a bit shy of a 1/2 acre foodplot area. Peach dots and lines are where deer enter the area. Very often does travel the open areas east / west in that line. Blue ovaled area is a small spot of brush I reclaimed to lawn. I can plant there and had oats / clover there growning last year. Between house and road in light blue is swampy brushy area. A doe or two has called the higher spots in there home before.

Was thinking a row of spruce on the east side of the plot, then put a row of late dropping apples. Can safely bow hunt on this property. Shooting a rife from the house southwest area is fine. Have taken deer with rifle and muzzeloader past few years. Not since an EHD outbreak in 2020. Herd is starting to make a comeback.

Just want to hunt the morning hour and last hour of light when I get home from work here n there. Got plenty of apple rootstocks ordered and will put a spruce tree order in. Like get 50, but only put in 30-40.

Looking to put a few confier trees to the south of the current apple orchard spot. Don't want it to shade out the trees. The last 2 or 3 east most spruces are not planted in the east -west row of trees by the apples for light. Thinking some sort of arborvitae. Should stay under 15ft tall.

Might reshape the foodplot a little narrower North / South and a little wider towards the West.

Whats a good clearance between apple and spruce trees to where you spray your foodplots. Got a 2 nozzle ATV sprayer. Thinking of making an overspray shield possibly. This is my house so I can spray almost any day in the summer. Do one end one day, and the other a few days later when the wind isn't carying towards the border trees.

Soil is heavier clay, but white spruce have been surviving and doing ok here.

Existing trees on the south were planted to block the view of the new house built to the west of the properties.


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If white spruce are surviving then maybe stick with spruce. Maybe try some black spruce
Gotta check when I get to camp, got tons of spruce there. Thought it was red spruce. Black spruce is also common in the adirondacks. Wanted to give yellow birch and striped maple another try from there too.

Scooped up some arborvitae on sale yesterday. 2ft tall ones for $8 each. Planting only 2 or 3 on the north end of the foodplot, where the southern most apple trees will be getting sunlight from. Think they won't drown out the light like white spruce would in a decade or two.

Think I got a plan, but wanted to run it by you guys. Thinking of leaning away from the no-till in the foodplot, or no-till and reset every 2 or 3 years.. Get them suckers in closer to daylight hours with a nice shot of turnips.

Spread some rye into the souterhn most area mid spetemebr rgiht before I mowed it the last time this year. I mow about every 3 weeks to a month back there. Got some touch taller corkscrew grass popping up. Many of them with nibbled off tops. MAy keep doing that, or might drop it, so the deer come more towards the northern end.
Our next-door neighbor has arborvitae along their property line. The guy cuts the tops down every 2 years or so, and they haven't gotten over 10 or 11 ft. tall. If you don't want to shade your fruit trees - arborvitae may be a reasonably-priced answer. Easily trimmed back, but still gives screening of your property.
Picked up 3 from home depot. 2.5 ft tall or so 8 bucks each. They were outside and a bit dry, but nt toally dry. Going to leave them inside for a week ad watered before putting them out.