Looking for something small with spots?


5 year old buck +
DSC00883.JPG DSC00938.JPG
What was the time stamp difference between the 2?

those particular pics were a few days apart. The fawns have showed up on my trailcams on the 29th and now they are active everyday. Seeing fox and coyote run this trail pretty regularly and even the occasional wolf. No doubt predators are out looking for those small things with white spots :eek:
I hope the little guys make it.
That one in the back can't be that old. Teeny little thing.

Cute. Of coarse he'll grow and get a monster rack and everyone wants to drop him. :)
Is that habitat ''almost"clearcut?
Those are some big Ag fields off the edge of the woods in the background.
Would be nice if you could whack that yote. We got the last one we had been getting pics of a few days ago, and it lasted about a week. Now another one has already moved in. My fawn below is in training for yotes right now!

I know it's the food chain but the thought of a fawn getting ripped up by a yote kills me! I hope I get time to go to war with them this yr. My brother an I work opposite schedules so hopefully he will help me run a trap line this yr.