Looking for a tree/rootstock recommendation


5 year old buck +
I have a decent sized crab apple tree in my yard which is roughly 20 yrs old and produces tiny pea sized fruit. I'd like to plant either an apple or crab apple next to it pretty much to draw more deer. The deer and other critters already hit the small crab pretty good.

What's a great annual producing apple or crab that will really draw the deer in September into October in southern Pennsylvania.

Also considering rootstock options. Would like a tree similar in size to the one that's there. Pictures are attached below for reference. I will also be planting a few trees down in the open yard more. Appreciate any advice.

Dolgobi think will start dropping in Sept and hold some fruit into October. M111 or b111 are your bigger semidwarfs.
Liberty is a highly recommended annual bearer that's a top DR tree. MM-111 or B-118 for rootstock ...... B-118 will fruit sooner than MM-111. Another good choice would be Kerr. It's an apple / crab cross that bears annually and has been very easy to grow for us at camp in N.C. Pa. If we can grow it at our camp, you should have no trouble in S.C. Pa. Same rootstocks ..... MM-111 or B-118.