Little hunter does it again.


5 year old buck +
She is my 8 year old daughter and my good luck charm. Last fall she took two squirrels with a .22 and a doe with a crossbow. Last weekend was Ohio youth season and on day 2 we called this guy in..

We had been working a strutter with 3 hens but it became clear they were not going to come in. When I saw the first gobbler stop strutting, I knew something was up. This bird with a lot of attitiude came in a attacked the first bird. After he took control, I hit him a a couple of calls and he hammered right back each time. Even though he was 100 yards out, you could see his attitude change when he saw my jake decoy. The last 50 yards were at a sprint until he was 8 yards away. It took some fumbling to get the gun cocked and safety off which spooked him back out to 15 yards. I called, he stopped and my girl dropped the hammer on a .410 with 2.5 inch #6 shot.

20.5. Pounds
9.5" beard
7/8 spur
I think he was a 2 year old with a lot of attitude. I believe the turkey he whipped was older. It will forever be my favorite turkey hunt.

Did I mention we did all of this without a blind! Her first time shooting a .410 was 1 week earlier. She has ice in her veins.
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Just awesome. You got a lot to be proud of!!!
Congrats to your daughter!
Awesome bird. Congrats to your daughter.
Oh WOW! Congrats to you and your daughter!
SOOOOOO Awesome! My daughters first turkey kill is on the top of my short list of most memorable hunts as well. Congrats to you both!:cool:
You can tell she's a very happy hunter, congrats!
congrats so nice to see the young out there.