Lime spreader

This is an old pull behind drop fertilizer spreader (obsolete now with the 3 point PTO V-shaped spreaders). It may spread pelletized lime but you won't get bulk lime through it. The holes in the bottom will clog with bulk (powdered) lime. The wheels turn a very small auger in the bottom of the spreader that is supposed to help move material to the holes but bulk lime isn't going to flow through the hopper. I used this type of spreader about 40+ years ago to drop fertilizer in tobacco and hay fields. This thing will hold about a ton of product.
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This is an old pull behind drop fertilizer spreader (obsolete now with the 3 point PTO V-shaped spreaders). It may spread pelletized lime but you won't get bulk lime through it. The holes in the bottom will clog with bulk lime. The wheels turn a very small auger in the bottom of the spreader that is supposed to help move material to the holes but bulk lime isn't going to flow through the hopper.

Thanks bbcoach - I had no idea..... I doubt anyone here is interested in it afterall.

This is an old pull behind drop fertilizer spreader (obsolete now with the 3 point PTO V-shaped spreaders). It may spread pelletized lime but you won't get bulk lime through it. The holes in the bottom will clog with bulk lime. The wheels turn a very small auger in the bottom of the spreader that is supposed to help move material to the holes but bulk lime isn't going to flow through the hopper.

Given the creativity of folks here ... and eternal tight-wadness ... looks like a great unit for pull behind ATV or SUV ... I did 20 years of food plot work with an ATV and would've killed to buy something like this. For $600 ... a real steal!

Thanks for posting John .... :emoji_thumbsup:
Too expensive.
Might be wrong.....but I believe that type is made specifically for bulk (ag) lime. Not pelletized lime. They are very rare to find and if the brand is
ezee flow then you should jump on it.

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yup that's a lime spreader made for bulk ag lime I have two of them, 1 eight footer and one 5 footer. Works great for lime, never seen a v shaped spreader tat would spread ag lime. Also work for spreading fertilizer if you don't want to sling it out into the woods along narrow trails and such. Getting pretty hard to find them anymore.
I will disagree, with siad abaove of these clogging up!
I have used and fixed and sold a bunch of these things, and spread a several hundred tons of limes, the better ones have better augers in them and do NOT clog up, they work great on level ground can be pulled with an atv with a a ton or more of lime in a 8-10 ft wide one
only time I have ever seen them clog is if lime is very wet, and or you PACK it in tight when loaded
we fill ours at remote sites with 50 lb bags of pulverized lime, NEVER a an issue, and at more user friendly places, a front end loader and dump lime in easy like, not a big DUMP and have it pack up!
other places we let the bulk lime trucks do the work, way faster and cheaper!

but at the one farm there is a john deere one that has been used on the farm for 30+ yrs and still working, wheels rusted out a few times and found GEO tracker wheels fit just right!
there is even a company that still makes them and gets CRAZY amounts of $$ for them
they DO work, only one's that work better are the larger hopped one's with the chains down the middle to keep things moving, like what you see in commercial grade lime spreaders!

if you can find a solid one that only needs a little work there worth 750 and a LOT more!

here is a place that makes new one's and there very nice, but SUPER costly!
many models have gates on top to help break lime up as its filled in, whick can be added to the above model pretty easy!
if you ever get VERY wet lime, it happens, all we have ever done was added less to the hopper and again never any issue's, but care after every use is a big key to making them last!
and also why this company used stainless steel to make there , more durable metal to the lime!