Liberty herbicide question

According to the Hefty brothers on Ag PHD, they said use 32-43 ounces, target weeds between 2-6 inches and you will get great results. After 6 inches, don’t expect great results. Also use AMS with it, but it’s not a must. They said you don’t need to be concerned so much with drift when spraying it.
The test results are coming in... planted and sprayed both spots on June 24th.
Here is June 28th, 4 days later, you can see the grass and water hemp is cooked!
The grass patch I planted, then sprayed. In the corn I sprayed, then planted.486AE85E-3273-4626-8CAA-4D3C4993BCF7.jpegB52EF978-2C64-44FE-803E-715842876238.jpeg6409C75F-9315-4B84-B0EB-F04C1EA21A0D.jpeg
Here is today, July 4th...5C097FB0-701D-4B0B-B819-F8F59CAA454C.jpeg74129C31-EE22-4B54-8C6C-AB6C3A658919.jpeg97F50997-348C-4A47-A0B2-8C44036E0197.jpeg5A59D7BC-DCCE-4B70-9C51-0064B7DAEEFC.jpeg12E1F247-32CD-416D-9EB2-C93B25884BED.jpegE46B210A-2F28-41E3-BCA4-83886C55C77C.jpeg

So... it appears everything is coming fine. I couldn’t find any buckwheat in the grass... but is only been 10 days and we’ve been dry. I also broadcasted the BW, Sorgum, and Radishes next to each row in both spots. At this point only the stuff I had under the soil has germinated, nothing that was broadcasted has. I’m blaming it on hot and dry, but I spose Liberty exposure to the bare seed isn’t out of the question. I’ll keep watching to show and updates. But IMO, looks like burn down and plant. I can’t see and negative effects due to the herbicide anyway?

But since you did not get germination, we are not sure if it is due to the weather or liberty at this point. Correct?
But since you did not get germination, we are not sure if it is due to the weather or liberty at this point. Correct?
Yep that’s correct. The seed laying on top hasn’t germinated, only the seed I had in the soil has.
I guess I really should’ve done another spot where I didn’t spray at all. It’s mid 90s the past week here. I can see any seed laying on top germinating. I broadcasted millet that hasn’t done anything yet. But technically no, I can’t guarantee it’s not due to the Liberty.
I sprayed interline right after planting milo last week and it came up fine.Says to allow 180 days but doesn't seem to bother.I believe instructions say no more than 29oz per acre and yes its a generic for liberty.We about have to plant liberty beans and corn because of pigweed and marestail.I don't worry so much about the pig weed unless the deer are keeping it eaten back and right now they are keeping it 8 inches tall
Anymore updates on this? Just curious what prices folks are seeing for Interline? Found it at the local Co-Op $96 2.5 gallons. I am seriously considering spraying this in a few weeks to knock out some clover and weeds.
Liberty didn’t seem to have any ill affect on my seed.
This is sorghum, beans and sunflowers.
Planted the day after spraying in mid June. It’s been dry.
It’s weedy and foxtail is thriving but it didn’t hurt the germination

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Liberty didn’t seem to have any ill affect on my seed.
This is sorghum, beans and sunflowers.
Planted the day after spraying in mid June. It’s been dry.
It’s weedy and foxtail is thriving but it didn’t hurt the germination

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Ok...Ok....You talked me into it :emoji_grin:. I just ordered a jug of interline from Rural Kind to use for my fall plant burn-down. We will see how PTT, CC, and WR do after burning down with it.


Liberty didn’t seem to have any ill affect on my seed.
This is sorghum, beans and sunflowers.
Planted the day after spraying in mid June. It’s been dry.
It’s weedy and foxtail is thriving but it didn’t hurt the germination

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View attachment 30873
That’s great news. Bought a jug of interline early this morning. I will be spraying tomorrow and planting Saturday. Soil is in rough condition but looks like a lot of chances for rain in the near future. Been reading up in mixing It with glyphosate. I need the clover dead with no residual.
I’m going to be spraying 3 acres of very sparse and hammered beans tomorrow then drilling PTT, DER, GHR, white and red clover right over them.

Then pray for rain....
Ok...Ok....You talked me into it :emoji_grin:. I just ordered a jug of interline from Rural Kind to use for my fall plant burn-down. We will see how PTT, CC, and WR do after burning down with it.



You’re planting crimson clover in the fall? Will it survive winter? I’ve never messed with it but would like to.
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I sprayed day before planting milo and it came up fine
You’re planting crimson clover in the fall? Will it survive winter? I’ve never messed with it but would like to.

In my area, it acts as a reseeding annual. It will come back in the spring along with the WR. When the WR becomes unattractive as it gets older, the crimson will provide some spring food until I'm ready to plant my warm season annuals. This WR/CC/PTT cover crop mix surfaces broadcasts well for me and works as a fall attractant, winter food, and cover crop.


your planting crimson clover in the fall? Will it survive winter? I’ve never messed with it but would like to.
I get some that comes back in the Spring (6A) but it depends on when I plant it. If it has enough time to go to seed I will have in the
In my area, it acts as a reseeding annual. It will come back in the spring along with the WR. When the WR becomes unattractive as it gets older, the crimson will provide some spring food until I'm ready to plant my warm season annuals. This WR/CC/PTT cover crop mix surfaces broadcasts well for me and works as a fall attractant, winter food, and cover crop.


I have had similar experiences as Jack with CC but not quite as successful in zone 6A. If it’s planted early enough to go to seed I get around 20% of it to reseed in the spring.
Interline is nice color... Spraying 2.2 acres today. 35 ounces per acre, added 1 ounce Glyphosate per gallon of water, and 4.6lbs of AMS due to label and the fact my outside hydrants have very hard well water.

Label also stated 15 gallons minimum per acre. I usually only use around 28 gallons on 2 acres but there is more wind than I’d like so I am accounting on the fly for lower boom height and slower speed to fight drift.
Correct me if i'm wrong, Wont the additional 1 oz of gly per acre only further increase the resistant problem? But hey, If your selling a competing herbicide......
Correct me if i'm wrong, Wont the additional 1 oz of gly per acre only further increase the resistant problem? But hey, If your selling a competing herbicide......
I don’t have any noticeable gly resistance in my field but I also didn’t have time to identify every single weed growing in my field and cross reference it will the label on Interline. It’s half the rate I spray Gly alone at. It was a hay field that never saw much herbicide for 10 years and beans/corn 10 years before that. Prior to that it was natural regen.
To add to that I have sprayed the field a few times in 8 years. My main target on this field is clover which is on the Interline label. I didn’t want to spray and wait on a residual for a few weeks to plant. I think I will be okay.
Correct me if i'm wrong, Wont the additional 1 oz of gly per acre only further increase the resistant problem? But hey, If your selling a competing herbicide......

I think the weed would have to survive and produce a seed for that to happen. Interesting point though.