Lets Talk about Deer Blinds


5 year old buck +
Anyone have one of these blinds made in Alexandria. Price seems "right" and seem well thought-out for what they are. http://www.deerstandsdirect.com
I have thought long and hard about buying one from them. The design seems right for me....I like the bigger one for gun and archery.
One of my clients bought one of those. They are very well made.
I was at a spring seminar hosted by Prairie to Woods Whitetails and they had the Banks Blinds and the ones mentioned here. The Banks stump looked like a better blind IMO. For around the same type of money. Both looked well put together .
I would like one box-blind on wheels.....so I could try different locations on my land (the grass is always greener - right? ;)). I think 6 feet high at the floor....and placed on a small rise.....would give me pretty good vision over the cover.
They look good, but I enjoyed building my own last year. floor is at 16 feet, and the box is 6 by 6 square, and 7 foot tall. Couldn't buy it for near as cheap as I built it, even using pressure treated lumber.

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I remember seeing a guy some on craigslist from the Long Prairie area that a guy was selling last year that were pretty simple for $250 or so. No base or anything.

I couldn't find them again but I did find this for $200:

I am not that great at coming up with my own ideas but I think I could replicate one of those.
I would like one box-blind on wheels.....so I could try different locations on my land (the grass is always greener - right? ;)). I think 6 feet high at the floor....and placed on a small rise.....would give me pretty good vision over the cover.

So make a trailer! You can use screw in anchors and guy lines to stabilize it once placed too.

I got a bunch of scrap plywood a couple years ago, I keep intending to turn into a couple blinds but never seem to make it a priority.
So make a trailer! You can use screw in anchors and guy lines to stabilize it once placed too.

I got a bunch of scrap plywood a couple years ago, I keep intending to turn into a couple blinds but never seem to make it a priority.

Yep. I keep thinking I will run into an old running gear and make it into a portable blind. I guess I need to get to a farm sale....because I a running gear has not fallen from the sky. Just has not been a high priority.....yet.
I would like one box-blind on wheels.....so I could try different locations on my land (the grass is always greener - right? ;)). I think 6 feet high at the floor....and placed on a small rise.....would give me pretty good vision over the cover.
My bro-in-law and some other farmers have used an old hay wagon. they put a stand on it for season and taker the stand off for haying time.
That's what Tom's talking about with the running gear, but it wouldn't need to be that stout. Hay wagon's meant for hauling multiple tons of hay. A blind really only needs to be built with a reasonable safety margin, and typical construction would meet that easily.

There's a lot of mobile blind trailers out there, but all of the ones I've seen are over complicated and made more for rolling down the interstate. I'd be more inclined to build something on some skids and move it when the ground is frozen or add some wheels to roll year round, then keep it from tipping with guy lines.
That's what Tom's talking about with the running gear, but it wouldn't need to be that stout. Hay wagon's meant for hauling multiple tons of hay. A blind really only needs to be built with a reasonable safety margin, and typical construction would meet that easily.

There's a lot of mobile blind trailers out there, but all of the ones I've seen are over complicated and made more for rolling down the interstate. I'd be more inclined to build something on some skids and move it when the ground is frozen or add some wheels to roll year round, then keep it from tipping with guy lines.
The first one of these that I ever spotted was on a farm very close to your place and over 30 years ago. The farmer and his buddy would sit in the deer stand and play cards. Usually one of them would get a deer.
I know one guy that buys old boat trailers for blinds. Me I bought an old hog cart for my blind. Deer never spooked from day one.