LC Mix with triticale instead of Rye


5 year old buck +
If I used Triticale in place of the Rye, do I still plant last week of August - first week of Sept? Or can I plant first week of August? I know the Rye grows so quick, therefore, he said to plant it later in the growing season so it didn't get to tall and rank. Is triticale the same way?
Last year in one of my plots I planted Oats, Cereal Rye, Triticale and Wheat in strips about 10'x150'. I planted all the last week of August in MN.

In my experience they all grew at about the same rate (give or take slightly). The biggest difference was the deer crushed the 4-5" Oats completely to the dirt where ever they could find a bite, they did nearly the same with the rye but I but I believe the oats kept some of the pressure off the rye. The Triticate was next but very little had eaten it, and lastly the Wheat was the least desired.

This spring after our MN winter, the Oat areas was just eaten to the dirt so nothing existed there, the wheat greened up late but still nothing ate it. Tritacale was dead. The Rye was green as soon as the snow receded and the deer loved it. By planting time the rye was 30" tall and heading out.

On a side note... I did plant Triticale and peas in a separate plot about a mile away by itself and the deer did hit that pretty hard during September and early October... however im convinced that plot would have been devoured had I put it in Oats or Rye.

Thats my 2 pennies.

Swiffy- thx for the input. Answers my question.
Haha... did it? :)

To answer your question, I think the Triticale would work ok... but I dont think it will benefit the soil nearly as much as rye would. Im sure others can add more as to what qualities rye offers compared to triticale. But one big difference is the fact that the Triticale will be dead after winter as the rye will not. Also, I understand rye contains "weed fighting" enzymes that im pretty sure the trit would lack.

Just a few things to consider! Hope it works well for you!
Here is the Rye on November 15...
Here is the Triticale on November 15...

Both were planted the same day and it stayed unseasonably warmer for longer last fall. I never wanted to get it that long! The height of the rye is purely a result of the grazing pressure.

Hope that offered something more!

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Thx again. U did answer it.
Triticale will be dead after winter? Not sure where, but not in the midwest...