Late night visitor


5 year old buck +
My daughters and I are visiting my folks this weekend. My 2 year old has had a mild fever and I was up with her in the middle of the night. I just got her laid back down when we hear a commotion on the front porch and thought someone was breaking in. She is scared. I throw on clothes and turn on the bedroom lights. Poke my head out the bedroom and turn on the lights heading down the stairs to the front door. Still hear them. I head down the stairs and it is still going on. By now, I figured racoons or maybe a bear. I turn on the porch light and see a confused fawn and knocked over chairs. With the light, it was able to walk down the porch steps and into the yard. I wish I had grabbed my phone to get a picture. I turned off the light and headed back to bed. My heart still racing, I find my daughter already asleep.
Glad it wasn't the gun-toting or knife wielding variety of late night marauder. Any unusual noise at night gets the ticker going.
I thought raccoons as I was reading...ending much better!
My mother and brother live in SW Virginia and have some uncut hayfields in front of their property. This time of year, the does are dropping fawns and hiding them in the high grass of the fields. I talked with my brother yesterday and he told me that his black chow got beat up and run up on his porch a few days ago, when the dog got too close to a does fawn. Be careful when you see fawns this time of year, Mommy won't be very far away.