Late apples


5 year old buck +
Aside from the disease resistant varieties available how does some of the named varieties perform for wildlife for late-season such as Fuji and Granny Smith.. thanks.. I'm zone 5B
I'm in Zone 5B also. Short answer: Use long-hanging varieties such as Golden Delicious, Rome, Shizuka, (late) Fuji, Jonagold, Novaeasygro, Winesap.
Long Answer, see comments (@16:20) in this first video:
Granny Smith, Braeburn, (often) Goldrush will not get ripe in Zone 5. Granny's are tart anyway, so an unripe Granny will be extra firm and probably astringent. The deer won't mind but you will. I have a neighnbor with a large old Granny Smith tree and he says he's never got a ripe apple. Granny's are southern apples and need that extra long summer growing season.
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My Granny Smith and gold rush both ripen and I am in 5B in PA. My Cripps Pink hang late but don’t quite ripen to full sweetness but still pretty tasty and the deer hit them hard. Jonagold also hang late as mentioned above. Enterprise also hang late for me and the squirrels get a bunch of them in November.
My Granny Smith and gold rush both ripen and I am in 5B in PA. My Cripps Pink hang late but don’t quite ripen to full sweetness but still pretty tasty and the deer hit them hard. Jonagold also hang late as mentioned above. Enterprise also hang late for me and the squirrels get a bunch of them in November.
Is Cripps pink the same or similar to Pink Lady?
Is Cripps pink the same or similar to Pink Lady?

If I remember correctly, Cripps is trademarked as Pink Lady ...but only the large ones.
A couple of my Central Wisconsin neighbors tell me that their Granny Smith apples that catch sun in their positions on limbs get fairly ripe on their trees about one year out of every four. At the end of the growing season, they put some on the sill of a south-facing window for a couple/few weeks before eating them. They are mostly deer apples around here, dropping pretty much throughout November, I am told.
A couple of my Central Wisconsin neighbors tell me that their Granny Smith apples that catch sun in their positions on limbs get fairly ripe on their trees about one year out of every four. At the end of the growing season, they put some on the sill of a south-facing window for a couple/few weeks before eating them. They are mostly deer apples around here, dropping pretty much throughout November, I am told.
Many around here say they make the best pie apples because of their tartness
Will apples continue to ripen in the fridge. I have noticed some apples taste better after storage but wasn’t sure if that was from ripening process. If not I have a Goldrush tree in my back yard I need to go cut down
Yes They will continue to ripen in fridge but it slows the ripening process
Yes They will continue to ripen in fridge but it slows the ripening process
Perfect. My wife wanted a new fridge so we could put the old one in the garage. I have no use for another fridge but I thought this could come in real handy when my trees start producing.