Kansas youth hunt 2013


5 year old buck +

My daughter's buck from last year, she didn't enjoy being on camera and I had trouble coaching and filming but it turned out OK.
Good job Dad! congrats
Congrats to your daughter.
She may not have wanted to be on camera at the time, but in the future she will thank you for filming it, many times I'm sure. Great to have those memories saved. Congrats to your girl!
Very nice was this her first deer
looks very calm
Awesome! Made me smile. Tks for posting
Thanks guys. She killed a button buck with her bow a couple years before that, a doe with the rifle the year before. She also killed a spike later on last year with her bow. She's a lot calmer than I am, that's for sure.
She'll like the video in the future. Cool post.
Made me smile too.

My sons at about the same age. I don't know exactly when the go from jumping in front of every camera to avoiding them like the plague but it happens.