Jim Bastians Orange fleshed crab?


5 year old buck +
Does anyone have this apple, or any personal experiences with it?


After a couple of days without a response I am guessing the answer is no. :D

Where did you run across it? I have never even heard of the name before. I have scions from a few red fleshed varieties on order from different sources for this spring.
After a couple of days without a response I am guessing the answer is no. :D

Where did you run across it? I have never even heard of the name before. I have scions from a few red fleshed varieties on order from different sources for this spring.

I didn't want to be the guy who just chimes in after what I read on orange pippin after searching on the google machine! :)
I may be wrong in the name. Remove the Fleshed part.

No response via facebook scion exchange group either.

Evidently it is from a wild tree in New Hampshire that is supposed to be quite disease resistant, and has a pretty decent flavor.
I may try the NAFEX facebook group. Is anyone a member of NAFEX? I just monitor the facebook group but not a member.
Hocking Hills has it. I got scion from him last year but this variety didn't make it. Some of his scion is pretty tiny :(.
Stu and I found the same link.
I was hoping for someone with personal experience, especially winter hardiness for zone 3/4.
Wish I could help, Bur. I'm zone 5 /6 border and I never heard of that crab. Good luck with the search.
I may try the NAFEX facebook group. Is anyone a member of NAFEX? I just monitor the facebook group but not a member.
I did join NAFEX there online forum doesn't get many hits, but there quarterly publications are pretty nice.
I did join NAFEX there online forum doesn't get many hits, but there quarterly publications are pretty nice.
Do they contain much information for growers/hobbyists in zone 3 or 4a?
The fall publication didn't have any articles specifically on northern growers/hobbyists, but there is an interest group on winter hardiness that is run by William MacKentley of SLN not sure what it entails. Also joining gives you access to all the publications back to 2010
Got some Jim Bastians Orange fleshed scion from hocking hills this year but it didn't take. The original tree is suppose to be in Plainfield NH which isn't too far away from me - guess plan B is tracking down Jim Bastian maybe he knows another scion source.
I'm still waiting to see if the bench graft will take. I might have some topworked on a flowering crabs as well. Need to check.
Hopefully you had better luck than me - did you get the scion from hocking hills?
A forum member located it for me. I am not sure how he obtained it. I am still waiting.


It looks like about 9 or 10 successes out fo 13 on the bench grafts and I am still waiting. I have a bit of bud swell on one more. This Norland on Ranetka.
My top workign was a bit late, according to Maya. The flowering crabs were blooming when I started. Then we had bad frosts.

Two have shown leaves, Wetonka, and a Kazak. Some of the other Nevis ioensis and elk river ioensis crosses are showing bud swell.


One of the northernmost Kazaks. I have a bench graft that looks ok from it also.
Looks good I'm still waiting for some of my grafts to wake up. Kind of a weird seems like my scion is staying green but they just aren't pushing the buds.
I have a couple like that too, Corey
I didn't have any like this last year they either dried up or they pushed buds. This year I have 5 out 15 grafts that are staying green (for at least 6 weeks now) and haven't pushed a bud its like the wood is alive but the buds just weren't viable.
I have a cherry I grafted and not only is the scion wood green, so are the swelled buds. Which have been swelled for 2-3 weeks now! We have had temps in the high 70s for a few days now thought that might trigger it, not sure what the darn thing is waiting on.