Japanese Stiltgrass and Bedding


Yearling... With promise
Hey guys, I’ve got an area of a wood block that has Japanese stiltgrass. I’d love to be able to go in and cut some timber to create a couple bedding areas but I’m wondering if it would be a waste given the stiltgrass issue. The sunlight will probably make the stiltgrass grow quicker but I’m wondering if deer would still use the area or would they avoid it. Any of you have any experience with this?

Thanks in advance.

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Not sure about an increased rate of growth but it can be dangerous if you leave stumps and or tops. The stilt grass grows over them and hides them making for bad trip hazards.

I hate that stuff. Glyphosate kills it and everything else. Clethodim is a grass selective herbicide that will kill it. It will take several applications.
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If you don't kill it first...and I mean kill it...not just piss it off. It will spread and move into whatever sunlight it can find.

I prefer to burn it first when it's dormant, to help expose as much of the new growth as possible when it comes to life and then once it shows signs of life I hit it with cleth or gly....and then wait for it to show up again and smack it again.
I'd say that spray likely is not going to work. It grows from seed each year and you likely have a big seedbank of it. Spraying is temporary unless you have something else established to outcompete the stiltgrass.
Ok, I was afraid that would be the case. I just purchased this farm June of last year and it looks like I need to tackle it before making many changes. Thanks guys

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