Jamie Closs found alive!

Every year we set new records for households without a father present in them.

be careful, saying things like that out loud in certain circles will get you shot.

ps, I could not agree more with that statement. Until you put the family back together, you're just throwing money at it.
Kids need to learn respect, it starts at home, and extends into schools. They also need to learn how to solve their own issues, rather then being coddled over everything. Some tough love wouldnt hurt most people.
Don't misinterpret what I posted. An insanity plea is complete BS and shouldnt be allowed nor what I was aiming at. Actions have consequences no matter who did the act PERIOD.

I have a 14 y/o daughter. If that would have been her this sick freak wouldn't be safe from my wrath in a maximum security prison.
Oh, I'm not saying you are. I just know some folks will try to use that as the excuse. Just like blaming the gun... Our society seems to be real keen on finding some way for everyone to be a victim to then justify or defend their actions....to pass the buck for what they did. We are on the same page. I agree in that there is a reason they march these prisoners around in body armor...because they know someone will bring some REAL justice into play. That was where my comment about "true justice" was aimed. Unless this guy truly suffers EVERYDAY - he will never understand the pain he has caused.
I dont think this guy should be alive to use up any more oxygen. While making him suffer, or pay for his actions seems like a decent punishment, life is the most valuable thing, and his should be taken!