Jamie Closs found alive!


You’re right who ever took her needs to go.
As good break - for a very bad deal.
This is the only good news in this story ... I hope she can recover.
Amazing she was still alive. Normally not how these stories end. Hopefully they got the right guy and is punished accordingly.
Wow, very close to my hunting land, about 15 miles away. I knew there was some strange SOBs up there. I couldnt believe she was found alive.

I hope she can learn to forget, or learn to live with what has happened now. Her recovery will be life long I am sure.
We need to have expedited death penalty trials for heinous crimes in this country

Agree. Wish the guillotine already dropped in cases so slam-dunk obvious. Think of the money about to be wasted on this guy. Good luck to girl on her recovery.
The sheriff thinks more than one person involved initially, but I think only one arrested. If it’s multiple people I would say it’s a meth crime. If it’s a one man job it’s some internet sex pervert.
Unfortunately our system won't allow for true justice in this case. Death would be way to kind and life in prison is as well. This guy needs to rot in some sort of man made hell for the rest of his miserable life. I tend to not support life in prison sentences...I typically say just put them in the ground and save us all the trouble. But people like this...we need to send a message to society that this will not be tolerated.

Another internet statement that will keep me from ever being president!
I just cant for the life of me figure out why it takes so long and is so expensive. If the verdict is guilty give him the lethal injection right in the court room. I prefer some or many forms of torture from the dark ages but I dont think that will pass any time soon.
Yep, sex pervert. Sheriff said the 13 year old girl was the target and the parents were murdered cause of it. Premeditated attack to kidnap her.

I'm all for this wall and everything but the mental illness issues this country has is a bigger problem than border jumpers. IMHO
Unfortunately Wisconsin does not have the Death Penalty. There are a lot of people form Barron County that hunt up in that are too so who knows what the connection will end up being. I know law enforcement worked their tails off on this case but in the end she ended up saving herself. People need to understand that they are the ones responsible for their own safety. It really worries me that my soon to be 18 YO daughter cannot get a CC permit until she is 21.

Unfortunately Wisconsin does not have the Death Penalty. There are a lot of people form Barron County that hunt up in that are too so who knows what the connection will end up being. I know law enforcement worked their tails off on this case but in the end she ended up saving herself. People need to understand that they are the ones responsible for their own safety. It really worries me that my soon to be 18 YO daughter cannot get a CC permit until she is 21.

Would you rather she become a "criminal" or not be able to defend herself against an attacker?

Another one of my "grey areas"
I'm all for this wall and everything but the mental illness issues this country has is a bigger problem than border jumpers. IMHO
Border jumpers, criminals (which this guy is) are far different then those truly mentally unstable. Just because they lack the ability to be responsible doesn't make them mentally unstable. They simply use it as an excuse. ENFORCE THE LAW TO ITS FULLEST EXTENT. Send border jumpers back to Mexico, make punishment for criminals reflective of the crime and put career criminals and murderers in the ground! We don't need new laws...we need to enforce the ones we have! We need to instill a sense of self responsibility which for some reason seems to be dying in this country. This guy may be "sick" but more than likely not mentally unstable. I don't care about his mommy or daddy issues. If this was planned...then he should essentially be tortured every day of the rest of his life as far as I am concerned. If he can blame this on his mommy and daddy issues then they should be able to prosecute mommy and daddy! This guy took the rights of 3 people and tossed them aside...as far as I am concerned he should have no rights applied to him for doing so once found guilty. This guy would be busting boulders in the Arizona sun 12 hours a day every day for the rest of his life and I would take away any possible "creature comfort" that most prisons have. I could careless if he was fed bread and water, no contact with the outside world, no AC and slept on a worn out mattress on the floor....PRISON IS SUPPOSED TO SUCK!
agreed, J-bird

I've got a relative that, if he ever did anything, would absolutely be considered "mentally incapable" to stand good for what was done. And maybe we should have compassion on him for that. However, that doesn't make what he did/will do any less painful for those he offended.
Border jumpers, criminals (which this guy is) are far different then those truly mentally unstable. Just because they lack the ability to be responsible doesn't make them mentally unstable. They simply use it as an excuse. ENFORCE THE LAW TO ITS FULLEST EXTENT. Send border jumpers back to Mexico, make punishment for criminals reflective of the crime and put career criminals and murderers in the ground! We don't need new laws...we need to enforce the ones we have! We need to instill a sense of self responsibility which for some reason seems to be dying in this country. This guy may be "sick" but more than likely not mentally unstable. I don't care about his mommy or daddy issues. If this was planned...then he should essentially be tortured every day of the rest of his life as far as I am concerned. If he can blame this on his mommy and daddy issues then they should be able to prosecute mommy and daddy! This guy took the rights of 3 people and tossed them aside...as far as I am concerned he should have no rights applied to him for doing so once found guilty. This guy would be busting boulders in the Arizona sun 12 hours a day every day for the rest of his life and I would take away any possible "creature comfort" that most prisons have. I could careless if he was fed bread and water, no contact with the outside world, no AC and slept on a worn out mattress on the floor....PRISON IS SUPPOSED TO SUCK!

Don't misinterpret what I posted. An insanity plea is complete BS and shouldnt be allowed nor what I was aiming at. Actions have consequences no matter who did the act PERIOD.

I have a 14 y/o daughter. If that would have been her this sick freak wouldn't be safe from my wrath in a maximum security prison.
so what's changed in our society that there's more of this sickness/weirdo's out there?

without knowing this kid's story, these are the stories that prove to me that discipline in a kid's life is vital and you're doing a disservice to them as a parent if you don't.
so what's changed in our society that there's more of this sickness/weirdo's out there?

without knowing this kid's story, these are the stories that prove to me that discipline in a kid's life is vital and you're doing a disservice to them as a parent if you don't.

Every year we set new records for households without a father present in them.