I've seen it all now....


5 year old buck +
Was at the local sporting good store called Academy Sports and they had cut up log about 12 inch long advertised as instant bond fire for $ 14.99.
They had it outside by the front door. I was watching people stop and look at it and smile and walk off.lol
Just cut piece wood with slots cut in it.
Dang, I could have been a millionaire with that ash we just took out of the front yard.
Dang, I could have been a millionaire with that ash we just took out of the front yard.
I know right.....I told my boy we got a goldmine at our place and didn't know it!
People will buy it. Nuff said.
Around here they sell a small bundle of firewood - about half an arm load for $5 each at gas stations. Most of it appears to be the waste off of the sawmill. And like stated you see yuppies going "camping" in their huge RV buying this stuff and they call it "roughing it"!
Up-state in the mountains of Pa., there are campgrounds where people go and park their RV's and " plug in ". Local gas stations and general stores sell small bundles like you said for $5 to $8. The pioneers start their campfire and then turn on their portable flatscreens and jump on the smartphones so they don't miss anything............ except the whole outdoor experience. Gotta love it !!! :p Why bother ....... might as well stay home !!!:confused:
nowadays most camp grounds, private or public, will not allow "outside wood" or wood brought in from some other location....because of transporting diseases and pests....and for profiteering...lol.
Since it seems some folks will buy anything I'm going to start selling wildlife seed: Johnson grass, canada thistle & jap bush honeysuckle! it will grow wildlife habitat - piss-poor wildlife habitat!!!!!:D