I don't think it is a yearling doe, the mom is actually decent size. The boys and I have all seen the fawn, we think it's a little button buck. No confirmation yet,:)maybe he will be a giant someday??
Reminds me of the kids book, "The little engine that could".... I think I can... I think I can....:) That fawn is a great learning tool. Like others have stated, it would be cool to mark it some how and follow it's life.
If indeed it is a buck fawn the problem is come spring or in this case early summer mom will chase him off when she is ready to birth. You may not see him come summer time. Have your neighbors watching for a dwarf spike buck on their trailcams.
Might be one of those yearlings with 3 inch spikes. And some hunters will say to shoot it because of poor genetics. It would probably be a good one to show that a small 1 yo spike can be a nice 8 pt as a 2 yo.
For the 40 year old and older generation on here, might remember Marlin Perkins Wild Kingdom. They used to dart and collar everything. Well Jim did most of it--risking his life and Marlin would often watch in the helicopter. LOL