Is deer hunting your greatest passion in life?



Aside from your family, kids, wife, etc.... Is deer hunting your greatest passion? If not, what is it? No right or wrong answers.
No. I really enjoy it a lot.
I enjoy food plotting. I enjoy planting trees.

My passion is the property as a whole, and each part of it sums up to the passion as a whole.
Like BLB, food plotting and habitat management are right up there. If we talk about the package as a whole the 'property' is my biggest passion outside of my family. Hunting itself would not be the same without the year long work. Bass fishing the last few years is making a strong charge though because I am far more successful at fishing that hunting lately.
Yeah I was thinking the deer hunting included the total package. Food plotting. Planting trees. Managing and improving your land. That is all together to me.
Habitat and planting anything from plots to trees is my passion during the day. Been enjoying Beer and online porn for my night time fun!;)

I tell my wife, "If it wasn't for deer hunting (with the habitat stuff included) think of all the other things I would have time and money for.....drink'n, smoke'n, whore'n, gamble'n, do'n know all the stuff your girlfriend's husbands do! Is that really what you want?" I just get "the look" - you all know which one I'm talking about!!!! "Yep - that's what I you too." And then I run outside to hide, "Got work to do see ya later".

It's SO bad my kids have told me when I die they want to spread me in a foodplot. My Oldest chimes in and said, "What if dad isn't cremated?" The youngest, and orneriest, says, "that's easy......wood chipper!"
I prefer to think of land management as my number #1 passion...which just happens to include deer hunting :)

Well put, I'm in this category as well.
With the addition of habitat and deer management work, scouting and learning about deer, yes. I don't know if this is good or bad, but subtract the family and there's nothing I'm more passionate about, not even close. Second is probably a 3 way tie between trying to truly understand politics (wish I'd never picked that up), packers and badgers basketball.
Dock rat during the summer. habitat work in the land-spring, winter. Enjoying the moment-fall
The land management and hunting is number 1. Fishing used to be a close second but I don't have time for that anymore because of number one. My land is a refuge from this crazy world which seems to get worse everyday. I care more about my apple trees than 90% of the sh!t heads that I deal with on a daily basis.
Politics? I work to avoid that, and the news
With the addition of habitat and deer management work, scouting and learning about deer, yes. I don't know if this is good or bad, but subtract the family and there's nothing I'm more passionate about, not even close. Second is probably a 3 way tie between trying to truly understand politics (wish I'd never picked that up), packers and badgers basketball.

Who are these "Packers" you speak of?......are they some kinda girls volleyball team? :D
Politics? I work to avoid that, and the news

Ignorance is bliss. That may sound like an insult, but it isn't at all. On the one hand, you can pretty much never change things for the better if you have no idea what's going on. However, the cynical side of me screams that there is no way some clod hoper like me is changing anything anyway and it just makes me genuinely frightened for my kids' future, yet helpless to do anything about it.
Who are these "Packers" you speak of?......are they some kinda girls volleyball team? :D

Hey, your Queens aren't far away from being a real team again. I almost hate to say it, as there is an odd form of comfort in knowing the Queen are going to be struggling to form a competitive JV team again, as they have for so long now. I really think those days are nearly over. They have seem to have their ship headed in the right direction again, finally. Any chance of them bringing Denny or Tice back to stop this startling development in its tracks?

All ribbing aside, I see them as likely contenders in 2016, with them flashing and MAYBE even getting a wild card this year. They're starting to build a real solid team.
If I got my info right.....the "queens" will play the Pack on Jan 3. Lots of football between now and then......but I got some hopes for this season.
......but I got some hopes for this season.

I would if I were you. They're focusing on building a solid D and have a young QB that may actually turn out to be good-great. AP will be tearing up Ds like he tore into...(too soon and too touchy to joke about. Had to backspace) and you've got some promising WRs. I don't know enough about their OL to say either way, but I'd be pumped about the future, if I was a Queens fan.

Dirty little secret, I almost am. I grew up in WC WI and could only get Queens games on TV. I hated them growing up, as they, and virtually every other team, embarrassed the Pack every time they played, but find it almost nostalgic to watch them now.
I love planting trees, foodplots, scouting deer sign/trails, harvesting deer, running trail cameras, checking cameras, etc...

I lump all of this into the phrase 'hunting' yes its a great passion of mine for sure!
Hmmm, I might better answer that after this season. Hunting with my kids and seeing their success is #1, chasing a particular buck #2 and then we'll see where it fall between the habitat work and elk hunting. I honestly have the elk itch more than I do deer in general right now. Follow that up with fishing and then Packers.
Hunting in general , along with Habitat work. Any thing outdoors. Spring Turkey season, fishing, spring planting, fishing, golf, summer planting, fishing, golf, late summer planting, bear hunting, bow hunting, fall turkey hunting, trapping, gun deer hunting, muzzle loader hunting, late season trapping, ice fishing and start all over in spring. Have to catch up now that I am retired. Didn't have time when I was working 60 hours a week for 30 some years.