Interesting article regarding the rut timing

I have a soft spot for Charles Alsheimer in my heart. I met him when we both did presentations at a seminar one year. He is a very smart and likeable guy who knows a lot about deer. However, I thought his moon phase / rut relationship had been pretty well debunked with the latest scientific studies.


I have a soft spot for Charles Alsheimer in my heart. I met him when we both did presentations at a seminar one year. He is a very smart and likeable guy who knows a lot about deer. However, I thought his moon phase / rut relationship had been pretty well debunked with the latest scientific studies.


That's kid of my take on the article too. It gives credit to both methods of prediction but the Winke prediction seems more valid to me. Missouri was so strange last year though it sure makes you question all of it a little bit. I still wonder if the rut activity was just mostly at night because it was so uncharacteristicly warm all fall.