Inoculating Winter Peas

Victor Van Meter

5 year old buck +
Plan to plant some winter peas in my fall plot and have been reading about inoculating the seed. Looking for advice on what inoculation to use? Thanks for the help.

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Check with the place you buy your seed from. Innocent for AWPs should only run you around $8 per 100lbs of seed. Welter seed sells N-Dure products.

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IMO probably not necessary. When I've planted AWP, the deer have decimated them before they get very big. There like a small patch of soybeans, the deer eat them like candy.
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As stated above, winter peas will not grow long enough or get large enough to form root nodules before the deer hoover them to the dirt, so inoculation is not necessary.
Man I wish I had a pic of when we did mine. The kids wanted to help. So I dumped the seed into a plastic wading pool and sprayed a slight mist of water on them and then sprinkled on the "stuff". I told the kids to have at it and mix it all up so all the seeds looked dirty. They did! They had a ball.....I got yelled at.....Mom wasn't so happy!

I agree in that I doubt it is needed unless you are planting either a huge amount of them OR you have grossly low deer numbers. Otherwise other than a few the deer don't find.....they will be gone come spring.
Sounds good. I assume they will be eaten before they get very big, so I will skip the inoculant.

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