Ideas for Eleagnus (Autumn Olive) control


Yearling... With promise
I am in a constant battle with privet, eleagnus, and popcorn trees in my hardwood areas and fields. The privet I can keep under control using glyphosate on the cut stumps and then spraying any sprouts in December. I have tried that with mixed success on the eleagnus, and it works somewhat for the larger bushes. I'm looking for a better way, especially to try to kill the small eleagnus sprouts. When I cleared land for one of my NWSG fields, I sprayed with imazapyr and waited about a year to seed the grass. That seemed to work pretty well, although it did get some of the small trees--presumably because I sprayed it in their drip zone. That makes me wonder if I could use that side effect to my advantage on the small eleagnus sprouts and see if it gets into the root zone enough to kill it. I'm thinking that if I localize it to just a square foot or so, then maybe it would cause minimal damage to the large hardwoods. Is that a reasonable plan? I have not been able to find any details on the use of eleagnus in the Imazapyr labels.

The forester we used at camp suggested triclopyr (the generic for Garlon and several other herbicides.) for use on Tree of Heaven and other unwanted trees & shrubs. It can be applied by basal bark spraying, hack & squirt, or treating the FRESHLY -CUT stumps / stubs of cut off vegetation. It doesn't have residual soil action like Tordon does. Generic triclopyr is a good amount cheaper than one of the name brand products. You might try that.