I'd like to catch this prick.

I am a landowner who does not live on his hunting property. When I first bought my land I had all sorts of trespassing problems. The trespassers were all locals who had hunted or cross country skied on my land in the past before I owned it. I gave several persons warnings at first and put up locked gates to prevent vehicular access to my land. Eventually, I had to prosecute a repeat offender who had a real mouth to go with his attitude. When word of that got around the local grapevine, my trespassing problems disappeared. Now I have a zero tolerance trespassing policy. No more mister nice guy.
Bill, I hope you resolve your problem. Please let the forum know how this plays out.
Laws are different in Canada. I believe you have you post the entire property line if you want people to stay off. At the moment, I can't afford to have the property lines surveyed. There is definite confusion among some of the neighbors about where the lines are. :emoji_worried:
Surveyors are expensive. I asked about having one or two sides of my place surveyed and I think I was quoted something like $3K per line.
Local forestors are able to get accurate mark out to within 10 feet. When I bought the property they came out and gave me the TSI plan. Then returned found 90% of he pins and corner markers. They marked the lines conservatively by 10 feet. I went out after the melt. Found the remaining pins. And their markout was dead nuts 10 feet conservative. I had atv issues where neighbors cut huge trails. I dropped trees across after posting. Wouldn’t you know they came to introduce themselves and ask for their tree stands back. They I had a guy who walked his dogs three separate times basically one end of the property to the other. In the snow. I followed footprints to his house. All three times. He didn’t get the message. The police delivered it. Then when forestors did their second walkthrough they better marked the lines in the thick areas with surveyors tape. So I could easier identify lines. This same guy came through removing the ribbons. Well his bad luck continued bc we were going to mark that section at the same. Caught him green handed (ribbon color) and with a pocket full of them also. He claimed he didn’t know who put them there. My response was simple. You are nowhere near your property. You own nothing but a tiny house with a fence that is 5 feet across the line. The pins are clearly marked. The trees are clearly marked with red paint via the forestor. The forestor told me you had an issue with them being “behind” your house. The police wrote you a trespassing summons once already. So being time number four I called the local PD again. They came out. I showed them pictures and video of him in the act. The entire conversation was recorded without him knowing. This time the police wrote a defiant trespassing summons. As well as destruction of property. Mandatory court appearance etc. When he learned of this he said I threatened to shoot him (I always carry when I’m on the property) The police then asked if he wanted to make that his official account of the incident. He said yes. They then arrested him and his wife. At this point they took my phone showed him the video I took and basically said in so many words that he is full of you know what and they don’t take any false accusations with a grain of salt. They informed him that any incidents from this point forward will result in immediate arrest. While this was taking place my father who came by to help for the day walked back to my garage and returned with chain and a lock. We chained and locked my “new gate”. He didn’t like that. The officers told him too bad and if it is removed that they could spend more time in the local jail. While all the yelling (from him and his wife) their son came out demanding they let his parents go. Well that went horribly wrong for him as well. He was talking when he shoulda been listening apparently. Officers get his ID. Call it in. Turns out he has 2 warrants. So now they call for backup and another set of cuffs! So all three of these idiots end up in jail. God only knows how much in fines and court dates. I met a couple new officers. They also hunt. They wave at me every morning I stop for coffee. Ask how the property is coming along and so on. And word has spread about what happens when you don’t heed the warning.

It’s all absolutely ridiculous. People don’t learn.
I like my neighbors. I try to keep them liking me. I’m glad everybody around me seems sane and reasonable. Everybody carries. We all shake hands and smile, check on each others place within reason. I hope it stays this way.

One of my border trails got off track a bit and I think I trespassed a bit into a neighbors property. I’ll go talk to him about it the very next time I see him. Tell him I’m happy to move it. Or leave it if it’s ok with him. Last time we talked about it he said it was no big deal. But I’ll just make sure.
I like my neighbors. I try to keep them liking me. I’m glad everybody around me seems sane and reasonable. Everybody carries. We all shake hands and smile, check on each others place within reason. I hope it stays this way.

One of my border trails got off track a bit and I think I trespassed a bit into a neighbors property. I’ll go talk to him about it the very next time I see him. Tell him I’m happy to move it. Or leave it if it’s ok with him. Last time we talked about it he said it was no big deal. But I’ll just make sure.
And thats how it should be!
Local forestors are able to get accurate mark out to within 10 feet... And their markout was dead nuts 10 feet conservative.

The forester that marked our neighbors' place sure wasn't within 10ft of our line with GPS. More like 30ft over when the oaks were big enough.