I saw some great tits today

I see a lot of tufted titmice in the woods this time of year, pretty little social birds that look kind of like miniature hen cardinals.
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I’ll raise your tits with a nice pair of boobies. :)

I don’t think any of this thread is politically correct theses days.

Good thing the birds don’t have a MAga hat on. It would cause a national scandal.

I clicked


Since this thread has veered way off course, I will contiue its off topic trajectory. Halichoeres bivittatus is a small fish in the wrasse family commonly found in the Gulf of Mexico and western Atlantic. The common name for Halichoeres bivittatus is slippery dick. One of the interesting things about the slippery dick is that they are hermaphrodites. The slippery dick starts out life as a female and later in life it changes its sex to male. And now you know the rest of the story.