I saw some great tits today

Gray Jay ?? Hard to tell for sure from that angle. If so - my first experience with them was in Maine ……….. way out in the wilds. You could get them to eat out of your hand. Really cool birds.
The shape of your suet balls seems either awkwardly inconvenient, or deliberately titillating.
I "think" that is a Titmouse...thus the "tits" wording. We have the "tuffed" version here....not nearly as "SEXY":emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

They are small (similar in size to a sparrow or finch)....so his "balls" are not real big either!
Got me to click!
I clicked!
I was going to do a search to see if Great Tits could be viewed in Oklahoma but I didn’t want to google Great Tits on my company laptop.
I was going to do a search to see if Great Tits could be viewed in Oklahoma but I didn’t want to google Great Tits on my company laptop.

The Great Tit is the official name for that bird...found in Europe. A google search pulls it up immediately. Another fun and 100% valid name for a mammalian species is the Wild Asian Ass. Try looking that one up on Google and see what you get! :emoji_thumbsup:
The Great Tit is the official name for that bird...found in Europe. A google search pulls it up immediately. Another fun and 100% valid name for a mammalian species is the Wild Asian Ass. Try looking that one up on Google and see what you get! :emoji_thumbsup:
I ain't doin' it... that sounds like a trap.
I ain't doin' it... that sounds like a trap.

Just click the wikipedia link I posted at the top. They're cool little birds. Blue, green, and yellow, with a black and white head like a chickadee.
The Great Tit is the official name for that bird...found in Europe. A google search pulls it up immediately. Another fun and 100% valid name for a mammalian species is the Wild Asian Ass. Try looking that one up on Google and see what you get! :emoji_thumbsup:
I worked with that guy for a while!!!
Another fun and 100% valid name for a mammalian species is the Wild Asian Ass. Try looking that one up

I have photos of that, too. I used to date a girl in Mongolia. :emoji_grin:
I ain't doin' it... that sounds like a trap.

I wouldn't do that to you! :emoji_thumbsup:

Safe at home, I did a google image search for Wild Asian Ass and was actually surprised by how tame the pictures were. Known also as the onager, they are actually quite stunning in their beauty.

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