I’m sure yall have done this before,

That turned out great!

I've gone a cheaper and easier (easier for me) route. Rather than whiten the skull just glue leather to it (if I feel like it). And instead of a skull mount I use a shelf 90 degree bracket. Bend the bracket to get the right angle.

That turned out great!

I've gone a cheaper and easier (easier for me) route. Rather than whiten the skull just glue leather to it (if I feel like it). And instead of a skull mount I use a shelf 90 degree bracket. Bend the bracket to get the right angle.

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Show off!
That turned out great!

I've gone a cheaper and easier (easier for me) route. Rather than whiten the skull just glue leather to it (if I feel like it). And instead of a skull mount I use a shelf 90 degree bracket. Bend the bracket to get the right angle.

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So cool my man. A real bone collector!
It’s amazing how quick the decomposition
Occurs if you bury it in manure/compost
View attachment 60765But i cleaned and whitened my own skull plate from latest harvest.

View attachment 60762

I cut skull plate with a hacksaw. Then I removed skin, hair etc I could with a knife.

I used a large pot on the grill with oxyclean and some baking soda detergent. Let is simmer about 8-9 hours. I removed rest of tissue and blasted with hose. Then I used my dremmel to shape the plate a little.

View attachment 60763

Next I soaked in peroxide solution for about 6 hours. Dried with paper towel and let dry overnight.

View attachment 60764

I bought this skull plate hanger off Amazon. Comes in tomorrow. Looks cool for 19 bucks.

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Really about 30 minutes of actual work. I think I will do this with any deer I harvest from now on. After my trip to Africa I just have nowhere to put mounts these days.
Sticks out from the wall a little too far for me, but otherwise I really like it. Good find. Thanks for sharing!
Found this while hunting two days ago. Will get the peroxide treatment today. Hate someone shot this young deer somewhere. Hell, he might have died chasing tail though
New skull mount and skull turned out as good as first. This time I used a paste of 40% gel peroxide, baking soda washing powder, and oxyclean. Painted on for 6 hours, then rinsed off, dried with paper towel and let dry.

Also after simmering on grill I used pressure washer to blast off all soft tissue. Easy peasy 3 minutes of work total.IMG_3284.jpegIMG_3285.jpeg
My horned doe from this year. She had 1 side broke off. From what I've read it's very rare for a horned doe to have fully hardened horns. This one not only was ,but with the one broke off, was she fighting or rubbing? I'm not sure but I saw this deer about a month earlier and she had both sides then.
I thought a pink and black hydro dip was fitting for her.