Hunting with war "memorabelia"

303 Brit is slightly less powerful than 308 win not even close to 30-06. I would suggest finding a buddy that you trust and have him handload your brass just buy the die set. Bullets for 303 Brit are .311 diameter so selection is pretty limited but there are a few.
There is some argument that the 8x57 is superior for a hunting round than the 30 caliber.

It creates a bigger hole and the less constricted powder column makes it more efficient.

If primers ever become available again I would recommend getting into rolling your own. Aka reloading!
I need to work with my Dad’s 7.65 Argentina Mauser 1891. I put a red dot on it with a no drill mount a few years ago. It wasn’t that accurate with the ammo I had and it got set aside. It was his deer rifle with the original open sights for 30 years.
My grandfather hunted his entire life with this same rifle. I saw that man make some incredible shots. I found some Norma bras for it years back so I can load for it. I have it now still in factory form. I should shoot a deer with it some day.

7.65 Argentina dies in stock even

I’ve got an old 303 British Enfield that my Dad bought new for $15 back in the early 50’s Army Surplus still boxed/wrapped all up in heavy wax paper and cosmoline, he had it sportsterized a few years later. My Grandfather bought it from him sometime later, we used to clean the few guns my Grandpa had every thanksgiving eve when I was in elementary school and talk all about the next mornings bunny hunt.
We also would talk about the history and purpose of each gun..the 303 always fascinated me, to me it looked like an African safari gun I called it the “elephant gun” and would fondle over it every time we got it out of the gun case. We used to talk about one day maybe using it on a moose hunt when I got older.
Grandpa passed my SR year in HS, I found out that he had left it to me. It came to me with three magazines a bunch of stripper clips and the leather military sling.
So this one has some family history even though it doesn’t get used much.

I have shot a couple boxes through it, at one time considered restocking with an aftermarket composite and putting a good scope on it but never did.
When I do get it out and shoot it for fun I use PMP 174grn soft points..I do have some of the old military rounds that came with it. I can hit a man sized target no problem well past 200 yards but it is no tack driver with the military sights it has on it.
Those British .303's are gorgeous guns. My dad has one that I grew up admiring. Need to find some ammo for him so we have a reason to dig it out.
We regularly hunt with a Enfield in .303. Its been sporterized and a Bushnell scope put on it. I dont shoot it but my nephew used to and now my son does. Both love that gun, as do the guys at the gun club. It is a tack driver up to 150 yards until the barrel gets hot then who knows! Its shot and killed ALOT of deer. I was lucky and stock piled a shit ton of ammo for it a few years back. Now whenever i see it i grab a box or 2.
My father in law has a 303 he shot some nice deer with back in the 80s. It sits in the safe now, but I would love to sporterize it someday.

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My father in law has a 303 he shot some nice deer with back in the 80s. It sits in the safe now, but I would love to sporterize it someday.

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I wish we could "unsporterize" ours!
I wish we could "unsporterize" ours!
Sometimes i wish that also. Mine has a monte carlo stock and its just uncomfortable for me to shoot being left handed. But i will say its a nice looking gun sporterized.