Hunting temps


5 year old buck +
Since I am in stand, and the only thing around is a fawn, I am bored.

I know this will probably vary a lot by regeon but I figured it would be interesting to see what everyone’s temp extremes, and ideal temps are for hunting.

I am in northern Wisconsin, I have hunted in -40 upto 80 degrees during rifle hunting in my area. Ideal temp to sit(non heated stand) 15-40 degrees. Temps that I would probably just stay in, rather then hunt, -20 for a low, and 70 for a high. Now I have a few heated shacks that I hunt from, so it makes the low temps easier to deal with, but I was just assuming non heated stands. What are your extremes and ideal temps?
My range would be similar to yours, assuming you are talking “real feel”. Wind gets me more than anything. Some stands, depending on sun, are just colder than others.
My ideal temps in south Arkansas are 25 to 50 degrees. We rarely get in single digits so hunting is still fine at the low end. A few years ago, when I got out of the truck to get on the bow stand opening weekend in September, it was 103. Not really to my liking, but we kill our biggest bucks early bow season while they can still be patterned.
In my unheated ladder stands and lock-ons, I can sit for 4 hours or so down to the low teens. Colder than that and I begin to get chilled, especially my feet. I don't enjoy hunting anything above 58 or so. My preference for longer or all day sits are calm days in the high 30's.

Late season muzzleloader it's a different story. I will go out in just about anything...the colder and windier the better. Of course I'm on my feet covering ground looking for a big buck track Benoit style. Killed my biggest buck on the tail end of a Nor'easter in near blizzard conditions.

As I get older I do think about buying or building some heated blinds so I can continue to enjoy hunting into my 60's and 70's. Not quite there yet, but I certainly don't tolerate the cold like I used to when I am sitting.
I have yet to see a temp too cold for me to hunt in. I use a heater body suit and can stay warm in anything Iowa weather has thrown at me (well below zero) . I am not a fan of warm weather hunting at all. I don't like getting all sweaty, I don't like the bugs, and the deer never seem to move well for me in warm temps. Ideal for me depends on the time of year. A fresh snow cover is always a plus so generally I would like it below the freezing mark but that's a little unrealistic most of October. For October-November bow hunting I'm pretty happy as long as the highs stay below the 60s. If it's late season, give me single digit highs the day after a snow storm and I'll sit by some food and wait for the parade.
Zero is my coldest kill. 7 is my coldest trophy buck kill. It was the last day of the season and he came thru following a doe at around 8:15 am. Comfort wise I like 28-32 but agree the colder the better, even more so if you have late season food to hunt over. I don't usually hunt, even during the rut, if it's too warm for meat. I like the low to be at least down to 38ish.
This week in Wisconsin has been about perfect, lows in mid 20's, highs in mid 30's. I can sit for about 3 hours before my fingers have had enough. Then it's perfect temps for driving or walking the woods.
Coldest open tree sit for me was about 5 degrees and no wind.

Ideal is about 40 with no wind....