Hunting during logging

For what the rye costs, I'd just zing it out there whether they're done or not. Especially considering you've got all them cultipackers out there.
For what the rye costs, I'd just zing it out there whether they're done or not. Especially considering you've got all them cultipackers out there.
Unfortunately the plots are not cleared yet. Part of their cleanup is smoothing all the trails and dozing the plots in. I might throw a couple bags down in the clear cut that is finished, should help with fawn cover next year too. It is part of the sanctuary but that plan can wait a year.
If it were me, it would not be a bother. I would just consider it a month or 2 out of the 8 years of pleasure the logging is going to give you down the road!
We end up pretty barren outside the tree rats and resident fox in January through green up.

There's usually a packed trail running N/S the wolves and yotes use by the end of January.

With the spruce I've brought in, and my thinning of the hard woods, I hope in 20 years we can at least provide a way-station as well.
The deer all used to leave my place during winter too, they don't any more

At my camp some stay. I don't know if it is better than where the others go but based on the carcasses every spring they should all leave.
We end up pretty barren outside the tree rats and resident fox in January through green up.

There's usually a packed trail running N/S the wolves and yotes use by the end of January.

With the spruce I've brought in, and my thinning of the hard woods, I hope in 20 years we can at least provide a way-station as well.
I don't even have squirrels
Ours are only active from 10am to around 1-2 depending on temps. You'd never know they were there if not for knowing that, or seeing the tracks.
Sounds good Chummer. Free dozing of 5 acres of plots sounds more than worth it to me. The cutting and machinery won't scare them. It may attract more of them. Just make sure you let them know that you don't want them hunting the deer.
I will be sure to tell the forester. He says it is a rough crew but the foreman is great to deal with. I did get good news about the land around my camp. The crew that leases the 1000k acres around me got kicked off and it will not be leased this year. They may still hunt it but at least the won't be driving their atv's all over it. They are hoping to get it back so they may stay off it. With 4 mature bucks on camera I may have a good year there. It is ironic because I bought this land to get away from them.
Nobody will work in the woods during our rifle season here, and rightfully so (for safety). I'd keep them on site working until they're done if it was mine. After quitting time in the evenings is going to be prime hunting where they've been working. As was mentioned, just stay out of their way. :)
How are they going to compensate you for waving that contract provision? Was leaving the temporary bridges and dozing part of the originally contract?
A saw running is liker a dinner bell. I never saw as many deer as when I was logging mine.
How are they going to compensate you for waving that contract provision? Was leaving the temporary bridges and dozing part of the originally contract?
No they weren't. The were originally saying around 1k for the dozer minus any unforeseen difficulties. The bridges are a bonus. He had mentioned earlier they were in some muck and it wouldn't be worth it to dig them out so they were probably staying anyways.