Hunting another property - is a deer a deer?

I would agree with the assessment that there was an overpopulation based on the acreage, amount of deer being seen, and to this day the lack of forest regen.

OK then.

Acreage. Deer being seen. Lack of regen.

Sounds a lot like people who don't like deer rationalizing for reducing the herd.

Yes I am picking on you right now. But don't take it personal. It has been happening all over the US for over a decade. Take the agency at face value and you are getting only the story of growers etc.

If I don't kill it somebody else will. Lets kill them allllllllll.....
This is rarely true...but in areas of northern IL and some county and state parks in southern WI, it is largely true. When they bring in the gooberment sharpshooters, IR scopes, and piles of bait in February...its about over.

So let them. Sick and tired of guys who love deer killing them because somebody else wants them dead.

Thats not conservation in my book. Its a self defeating mission unless its a tool to 'manage' for a goal hunters can agree with.
If you hunt another guys property you better follow the rules! Or it can get dam expensive!

Say what you want bat man but I'd much rather see a father and son combo bag a yearling buck or a doe out there then a sharpshooter over bait on a ridge top overlooking hundreds of yards of ravine below.
Say what you want bat man but I'd much rather see a father and son combo bag a yearling buck or a doe out there then a sharpshooter over bait on a ridge top overlooking hundreds of yards of ravine below.

So what do you tell your son the diff is between IL and your place? Why does every deer in the IL CWD zone need to die? Why is CWD so bad dad?

And then if CWD shows at home - will the rules be the same?

Legit questions -
The brown is down hunt out there now also provides better opportunity than the no hunting restriction they had in the past. I brought a new hunter into the sport a couple years back and was with him when he harvested his first deer last year, a yearling doe. He will never forget that hunt.
The brown is down hunt out there now also provides better opportunity

..and what if its just a tool to bilk hunters into killing more deer, bringing the herd down to basically unhuntable levels, lowering hunter numbers and eliminating the voice of the hunter?
So what do you tell your son the diff is between IL and your place? Why does every deer in the IL CWD zone need to die? And then if CWD shows at home - will the rules be the same?

Legit questions -
I tell him the facts. The hunters at the IL property are happy to harvest any deer and treat the harvest as a trophy. On our place we can be a bit pickier somewhat because of the numbers, but more so because of the lower hunting pressure. I don't believe every deer in the cwd zone needs to die, and us as law abiding hunters will never accomplish that. However sharpshooters could very well do so. The deer there have no connecting cover to escape to.

I am in a cwd county in WI.
One thing I learned from my time in the WI CWD can protect deer on private property. You can't on public property. .

In MN the bowhunters are whispering enough is enough at Camp Ripley. Take the numbers back too far and the hunters will quit coming. Its a fear of mine as President of a deer group. Bring the herd back far enough and hunters leave the sport. ducks. pheasants. deer.
..and what if its just a tool to bilk hunters into killing more deer, bringing the herd down to basically unhuntable levels, lowering hunter numbers and eliminating the voice of the hunter?
Of course the opportunity was created by the DNR wanting less and less deer on the property. Thankfully the terrain and limited amount of hunters allowed has not dropped the population to unhuntable levels. Heck 2 years ago I saw more deer there during the 2nd firearm season then I did on my private land for the first 5 days of rifle season.
So if one does not think every deer in a CWD zone deserves to die, and one believes the herd has been taken back too far, one should shoot at anything that walks by, because if one does not somebody else will, because that is the future of hunting?
Either way...its gonna happen.

I can't buy that. Its way to freaking expensive to try eradicate deer. Airports have them. Cities have them. If the habitat is there, the deer seem to fill in. I get they dont belong EVERYWHERE, but when hunters kill them for no reason besides 'the man said kill them', we are shooting our future in the foot.
I get it, Brooks. You still have pieces of the cow pie the MN DNR has been feeding MN hunters for years stuck in your teeth. I understand why you don't trust any of them. In lots of areas outside of MN, the deer numbers are or were way too high. That's not good, either, as habitat destruction is a very serious issue in areas. Also, the DNR big shots that I'm friends with, as well as every serious top biologists I've talked to all believe herd reduction for better containment is the only viable option for slowing its spread. Frankly, I 100% believe them. Not everyone involved in deer biology/management is trying to feed the public cow pies.
Long term if the Govt can not prove there is a threat, the won't keep getting the funds. My guess is their days of CWD herd reduction are numbered.
Also, the DNR big shots that I'm friends with, as well as every serious top biologists I've talked to all believe herd reduction for better containment is the only viable option for slowing its spread. Frankly, I 100% believe them. .

I have no DNR big shot friends. Who are these top biologists you speak of that believe herd reduction is the tool and how do they back their claims? And if it only slows the spread, how is that a viable long term plan?
Like I said...CWD is a game changer. If a guy is comfortable eating and/or feeding venison from a CWD area to their family...then its no big deal. If somewhere in the back of your head a little voice says "I'm not sure about this"....then its a big damn deal.

I have heard that voice and thrown out venison because of it. I don't buy the scare created by govt regarding CWD. Is there any proof or is it all just what if? Seems the dollars on the line would justify some better research?
What dollars on the line? The deer hunting industry? Drops in the bucket to the U.S. government

Collective intelligence of the industry is appalling. I have emailed so many and get zero reply. Those in the know bail, and the groups claiming to be the voice are a joke. Thanks for the spank Stu.
I have no DNR big shot friends. Who are these top biologists you speak of that believe herd reduction is the tool and how do they back their claims? And if it only slows the spread, how is that a viable long term plan?

It's not a viable long term plan...they don't have one. They're just trying to buy time because they don't have any other option but to sit back and watch it spread faster. The good/bad thing is many of the CWD areas have stupid high deer numbers that need reductions to stop habitat destruction, which is a serious issue in many places.

Ozoga, Keith, Miller and then a bunch I just interviewed that I don't really know, but they ranged from Canada to various states in the US. If its a lie to dupe us, it's unbelievably well orchestrated.
If its a lie to dupe us, it's unbelievably well orchestrated.

Call it a lie, call it an untruth. I have seen no reason to kill everything brown. Nobody seems to have a legitimate reason. But it sure clicks with the deer reduction craze rippin the nation the past 15 years.
Where did Bueller go? I need to talk to his kid.


I have said it before and it still rings true. I don't come here to have everybody agree with me. I come here to learn and share. Forums are great for that.