Agree with you on the negative effects humans have had on the habitat. It is happening around me bad also it sucks, but if we are talking about deer, humans have boosted their numbers big time. Two animals have thrived with human development, coyote and whitetails. There are more whitetails in the U.S now then when Columbus touched ground. Most of the highest deer per mile are in the suburbs. I have never found or heard of deer in Southern Wisconsin that has starved to death in the winter. Definitely don't need to feed them to" help"them here. I truly believe feeding is the most detrimental thing we can do to deer. We are screwing with their natural born ability to survive and making them dependent on humans that feed them unnatural food that they can't break down. I see it somewhat similar to bears feeding in garbage dumps. They teach their offsprings how to eat human garbage. When the dump closes down the bears dont know how to get natural food like they were intended to do and they end up starving.Without man's help??? Are you taking into account the negative changes that humans have done to our environment?? We altered habitat, eliminated some habitat, cut down vast forests, "developed" lands that were good habitat for a number of critters. " Clean farming" where every scrap of grain, stems, & duff are vacuumed up, brush rows / patches are in production, etc. Habitat loss is caused by humans. During past centuries & millennia, deer & other critters didn't have those things to contend with on the scales we have happening today. Right near my home, a whole section of land - probably 400 acres that was excellent habitat for deer, rabbits, turkeys, grouse, and loads of song birds - is gone. It's all housing "development" with house so close, if your neighbor farts - you'll be smelling it. Maybe your deer and critters can go to the local strip mall for grub??
Looking at recent national demographics, it seems more & more "city-folk" are moving out into the country ------ YOUR country. Get ready for "developments" and lots of bulldozing, paving, concrete, mini-malls, strip malls, parking lots, traffic congestion, banks on every corner for all the "excess money" that people have to store.
Agree with you on the negative effects humans have had on the habitat. It is happening around me bad also it sucks, but if we are talking about deer, humans have boosted their numbers big time. Two animals have thrived with human development, coyote and whitetails. There are more whitetails in the U.S now then when Columbus touched ground. Most of the highest deer per mile are in the suburbs. I have never found or heard of deer in Southern Wisconsin that has starved to death in the winter. Definitely don't need to feed them to" help"them here. I truly believe feeding is the most detrimental thing we can do to deer. We are screwing with their natural born ability to survive and making them dependent on humans that feed them unnatural food that they can't break down. I see it somewhat similar to bears feeding in garbage dumps. They teach their offsprings how to eat human garbage. When the dump closes down the bears dont know how to get natural food like they were intended to do and they end up starving.
I do have food plots, and there is turnips, radishes, winter rye and clover planted, but it’s under a couple feet of snow. Once the snow melts down some, there should be food available for themNot at all. Planting trees, shrubs, food plots, native grass, etc that improve habitat to counter the habitat destruction that development has done = good. Deer moving around naturaly feeding on live plants,acorns, twigs, shrubs like they have done for thousands of years = good. Throwing out bales of hay or a pile of corn in the backyard of a house is unnatural and makes them feel like it is better to rely on humans rather then find their own food.( garbage dump) = bad. People want to think that they are " helping " animals by feeding them because in their head it makes them feel good. It doesn't. Almost every dnr agency recommends not feeding deer for many reasons. Google feeding hay to deer and see how much it" helps" them out. Still people will keeping doing it because they " want to belive" it is helpful.I disagree.
Isn't this whole site about planting all kinds of food and cover to help and try to hold wildlife on our properties? The healthier my local wildlife is going into spring the better.
So you are compairing our habitat work to garbage dumps?
I run feeders year-round (corn), the deer here are still plenty wild or I would be knocking down a 160" every year. They are very healthy looking in spring, corn isn't the only thing they are eating they eat everything, and they don't just stay on my properties all winter, but they do visit almost daily. We don't usually get very deep snow, but we do get very cold temps, I'm also in a very high ag area. I'm positive that the supplemental feeding helps the deer in winter along with about everything else in the woods.
I also have a bird feeder at our house that I am pretty sure helps get the local birds and squirrels through winter.
Haven't F&W fed the elk in winter outside Jackson Hole to help them out for 100 years?
I have to say that I'm leaning toward my property in Northern Wisconsin and how people feed deer here in the winter. When my dumbass neighbor kills six bucks in my area by feeding them hay to "help "them it pisses a guy off. Do you think the deer in Ohio would die in the brutal winters down there if you didn't feed them? None of them die in Southern Wisconsin, very low amount in Northern Wisconsin from starving. I believe most of them die because of people feeding them. Would you suggest that everybody on here should go out and put feed troughs on there land full of corn and protein pellets. This would be really beneficial to all the animals in the woods? Sounds ridiculous to me. I'm sure your deer feed full of high protein pellets and corn probably do make the deer in Ohio look great. I'm sure I could probably get the deer looking really good too if I feed them protein pellets in a trough like we feed our horses in Northern Wisconsin too. If I could get them some steroids like the game farms use, oh man they would look really impressive. I bet I would have some bad ass raccoons also. Will I do this? Absolutely not. I'm going to listen to wildlife biologist that guessing 90- 95 percent say not to feed deer. About the elk in Jackson WY, you are right they have been feeding elk for 100 years there. The reason they started? To "help" the elk? Nope! The reason,to draw them away from destroying agricultural fields and lesson the damage to winter areas by over browsing native plants where there are thousands of elk in one spot. They also switched in most areas from hay to a low protein pellets made out of ryegrass and alfalfa. You will never belive the reason they switched? Unlike deer elk can breakdown hay. So why switch? The reason, deer were coming down with the elk and eating the hay. Which the fish and game says almost always resulted in death! I can guarantee you people even reading article after article about hay killing deer they will continue to do it.
This thread was started by the original poster in far NW Wisconsin looking for helpful information on whether or not we would suggest to start feeding his deer in the middle of winter. I have witnessed first hand how this can kill deer. Most posts were from people from this area suggesting not to feed them. A couple asked/suggested about corn or hay. I ask anybody that reads this to just do a Google search " is it good to feed deer in winter"or" is it good to feed deer hay" or " is it even good to feed deer in general". and see what they come up with. If your telling me that you can't find one story that says not to feed deer. I call bs, I disagree. Everyone i see says not to do it.The only ones that suggest it are selling feed! I didn't want the original poster or anyone else on here to kill deer by thinking that they are helping them. If he took your advice of how great feeding corn is for deer and started doing it all he would most likely have a bunch of sick or dead deer around. As far as the Jackson hole. I said they didn't start feeding in 1900 to help the elk. They started feeding to help the FARMERS because their fields were getting destroyed! That elk herd was there 1000s of years with nobody feeding them hay. They were fine until the farmers moved in.Wildlife is fine we don't need to feed and shouldn't feed them. The fish and game even admits its not a good idea. They had to switch from hay to pellets because it was killing all the deer there. Like I said you are mostly likely one of the people I talk about that could read 100 articles by biologist saying not to feed but you will continue to do it because in your head you think you are " helping" all the animals. I commend you on all your ponds, other habitat projects. You've done some great work, I just think your feeding is ass backwards.
This is like discussing politics. I guess I just see it totally different than you. If you believe feeding works out so great in Ohio why wouldn't you suggest that other members on here to go and buy corn feeders? Your own state of Ohio's own stance on feeding wildlife is that they discourage it! Although not illegal like your neighbor Illinois.( for good reasons)They discourage it! WHY? BECAUSE IT IS NOT GOOD FOR THE WILDLIFE. Please find me a state dnr that encourages feeding deer with corn feeders. The way I see it, you won't find one that does. The reason, the experts/ biologist know its not good and should be discouraged. There is a reason it is banned in so many states. You can add the spread of disease to this debate also why feeding is discouraged. All I had to do is read the title of the story you posted. " Wildlife refuge tries to wean feeding elk". Don't you read that headline and ask WHY do they want to stop/ wean the feeding there. The way I read it, because it is not good! They admit they messed up feeding these elk and basically making them pets and a tourist trap. What was meant to "help" them could easily be their downfall. Reading about the majestic rocky mountain elk chasing down a farmer on his tractor because they think he has feed for them is downright pathetic to me. We need to stop trying to make wild animals pets by being their friends and feeding them. It is causing far more damage to them then good. You ever go to Yellowstone and see the signs that say it is illegal to feed the animals there? They state that besides the danger it will encourage them to become dependent on humans and they wont find food naturally like a wild animal should do. It doesn't matter if you are in Yellowstone, Wisconsin, oe even Ohio feeding is discouraged. The refuge wants these elk to find different wintering grounds and not depend on humans altering their natural migration. Which is the reason why the debacle started in the first place. Now they are in so deep by feeding they don't know if they can even get it back to the way it should be.The thread morphed into a feed don't feed topic with people chiming in from various states on what they do and their opinions on such. As did I.
What I choose to do is not "ass backwards" in any way, with very little research you can easily find all kinds of articles on how if deer in this instance that are used to eating corn that feeding corn in winter does no harm whatsoever and is a benefit. Again, not just to deer but all wildlife that use it to get through winter. That you have a serious bias against using feeders even if it is totally legal in my area and seem to only see the articles that condemn feeding corn in winter to deer that don't usually eat corn, again not like my area. And the deer and other wildlife using our farms are eating all kinds of other things that we have planted besides just corn.
The reason I jumped back in was when you went highbrow with the blanket garbage analogy, that was incorrect and biased. I get it you personally hate people feeding deer in winter and baiting, that's fine. Doesn't make people that LEGALY do it wrong in any way.
They didn't start feeding to help the farmers at Jackson Hole they did it for the elk, although it’s certainly one of the things it does now.
Nat’l refuge tries to wean its elk off feed, and fails so far
Wyofile by Mike Koshmrl JACKSON, Wyo. — A phalanx of elk swept across the snowy prairie, a tawny-coated mass on the move that caused National Elk Refuge Biologist Eric Cole to slow his U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service pickup truck, retrofitted with snow tracks for outings like this. Wyoming
About third or fourth paragraph down on link.
"Elk feeding on the 24,700-acre refuge is a historic practice started after a series of harsh early-20th-century western Wyoming winters killed what settlers described as tens of thousands of animals. Outfitter and wildlife photographer Stephen Leek drummed up national support for feeding the Jackson Elk Herd through images of their suffering and death that appeared in magazines like Outdoor Life and a lecture tour."
And I am not saying that is right or wrong, my comparison was solely to state a fact that Fish&Wildlife also feed in winter.
Here in central Minnesota a few years back the DNR was asking for people to put out feed that the DNR provided to the land owners to help the deer get through the bad winter. Lots of things to consider and sometimes mistakes are made even though the intentions are good. Hay that killed off 6 deer was probably the exact WRONG kind of hay to be feeding if I had to guess. Obviously it wasn't the right kind that was beneficial.I have to say that I'm leaning toward my property in Northern Wisconsin and how people feed deer here in the winter. When my dumbass neighbor kills six bucks in my area by feeding them hay to "help "them it pisses a guy off. Do you think the deer in Ohio would die in the brutal winters down there if you didn't feed them? None of them die in Southern Wisconsin, very low amount in Northern Wisconsin from starving. I believe most of them die because of people feeding them. Would you suggest that everybody on here should go out and put feed troughs on there land full of corn and protein pellets. This would be really beneficial to all the animals in the woods? Sounds ridiculous to me. I'm sure your deer feed full of high protein pellets and corn probably do make the deer in Ohio look great. I'm sure I could probably get the deer looking really good too if I feed them protein pellets in a trough like we feed our horses in Northern Wisconsin too. If I could get them some steroids like the game farms use, oh man they would look really impressive. I bet I would have some bad ass raccoons also. Will I do this? Absolutely not. I'm going to listen to wildlife biologist that guessing 90- 95 percent say not to feed deer. About the elk in Jackson WY, you are right they have been feeding elk for 100 years there. The reason they started? To "help" the elk? Nope! The reason,to draw them away from destroying agricultural fields and lesson the damage to winter areas by over browsing native plants where there are thousands of elk in one spot. They also switched in most areas from hay to a low protein pellets made out of ryegrass and alfalfa. You will never belive the reason they switched? Unlike deer elk can breakdown hay. So why switch? The reason, deer were coming down with the elk and eating the hay. Which the fish and game says almost always resulted in death! I can guarantee you people even reading article after article about hay killing deer they will continue to do it.
The refuge wants these elk to find different wintering grounds and not depend on humans altering their natural migration. Which is the reason why the debacle started in the first place. Now they are in so deep by feeding they don't know if they can even get it back to the way it should be.
Response to your second. Yes absolutely. State agencies and many others highly encourage planting native shrubs,trees,cover crops, making wetlands, etc. What not one of them that I can find suggest putting feeders out and feeding wildlife. In fact they highly Discourage it for many reasons. Do you really consider putting out a automatic deer feeder as a habitat improvement? The way I see it, if we sadly destroy a area by development and there is now only a small amount of natural food available we shouldn't go help the deer Herd by setting up corn feeders in everyone's backyard or on the edge of packing a industrial park. The deer Herd should be at the carrying capacity of what the land can carry. Not what we can sustain their numbers by artificialy feeding them . You are exactly right sometimes mother nature does throw them a curveball. Most of the time it balances itself out just fine. A examlpe would be to many deer in a area, harsh winter, they eat all available browse, strongest deer survive, some don't make it thru winter, others will go where food is more available, next year lower deer numbers, trees and browse rebound next year and support higher number deer and also benefits other wildlife. This to me seems like a much better way than having a gravity wagon full of corn feeding a 100 deer in a field or having elk in Wyoming chasing tractors because they have become dependent on humans feeding them instead of finding food on there own. So your question to me do we help in severe winters? Yes ,help by doing what is recommended improve the native habitat, plant a field, leave the deer get there food they way they have always done not by altering their natural patterns and feeding them corn out of a plastic man-made corn dispenser. If the deer by me have a tuff winter and a few don't make it and the numbers dip.. I'm fine with that. I'll hunt harder or maybe not even get a nice buck one year. What I'm not fine with is my neighbor poisoning the deer by feeding them artificially and others promoting it.First - Let's remember that we all live in different regions - some colder and harsher than others.
Second - If we're all planting food plots, cover crops, trees & shrubs having various benefits ....... aren't we then "helping" deer and other critters?? In areas that are "developed" or farmed "cleanly", and lack sufficient numbers of trees and shrubs for browse supplies, what do the deer eat then?? Should we not plant food plots, browse plants, trees, hard & soft mast plants??
To me, it seems pointless to plant a fall / winter food plot to feed deer, and then when deep snow or ice crust prevents deer from getting to said food plot - we abandon them to "hope" they make it. Why even plant the food plots / sources at all then ......... if our intent is to "let them fend for themselves."
Is this forum about improving HABITAT for all sorts of critters?? IMO - sometimes nature throws critters a weather curveball, so why risk critters dying if we can give them a helping hand in such instances?? Ideally - deer would have LOADS of browse species available to them ...... but that's very often NOT the case in many areas. Do we help in severe wdeeather - or gripe next year when we don't see ample deer numbers?? ------------- Just asking.
Sorry messed up I meant Indiana. It is illegal in to feed wildlife in Indiana. Also in Illinois. So weird it's illegal but is so great for the wildlife.I had to double check a map because I was certain that Ohio and Illinois weren't neighbors. Glad to see I'm not losing my mind.
Anyways, my point of view has always been to do what you want within the legalities of law where you live. In many places the laws are different between counties/hunt zones, let alone state lines.