How to no-till (tnm) multiple types of plot species?

You might want to add your location to your profile. "Now" may be fine for some areas. In my area, I'll wait until early to mid-august before planting PTT into my buckwheat.
I am in NY zone 5a
I am in NY zone 5a

I'll let others in your area comment on timing. If you click on your username in the upper right hand corner of the window and a pop-up will show. Click account details. Scroll down on that page to location and put "NY zone 5a" there. Then under your avatar in every post will be your location. This will greatly help folks answer questions based on your location because what works well in one area may not work well in others.


I'll let others in your area comment on timing. If you click on your username in the upper right hand corner of the window and a pop-up will show. Click account details. Scroll down on that page to location and put "NY zone 5a" there. Then under your avatar in every post will be your location. This will greatly help folks answer questions based on your location because what works well in one area may not work well in others.


Just did this. Thanks! From what I read our first frost averages Mid October.