how to maintain my clover plot

Durana isn't reliably winter hardy in zones 3 and 4

Ok. Thanks for the insight. How far up is that? I’m in middle Georgia. Winter hardy. Is that a French term?
Does anyone know or think that frost seeding clover into a plot like this would work? That tall rye would definitely "protect" the already established clover, but would the clover that was frost-seeded into it get enough sunlight/nutrients to get going and thrive later on?

The only way I would frost seed an established clover field is if there were bare spots. Otherwise, just wait until the established clover goes into bloom and mow. The seed is free.
Does anyone know or think that frost seeding clover into a plot like this would work? That tall rye would definitely "protect" the already established clover, but would the clover that was frost-seeded into it get enough sunlight/nutrients to get going and thrive later on?

You won't get much success without some bare soil patches. Need seed to soil contact for frost seeding to be successful :emoji_thumbsup:
You won't get much success without some bare soil patches. Need seed to soil contact for frost seeding to be successful :emoji_thumbsup:
right now the only things I can see are the tips of my battered brassicas above the 4-6" of snow...I planted over 100lbs of WR and ~80 lbs of WW into a 1/2 acre along with several kinds of clover...and none of them are evident now...I am expecting the plot to look pretty bare once the winter is done (about the time frost seeding would start)
And around year 5 raptor or IMox smokes both.
Question about Raptor vs. IMOX. Maybe it's been answered elsewhere but I couldn't find it doing a search. Why are the recommended application rates so different between Raptor and IMOX? It seems like IMOX says to use 1-2 quarts per acre for many weeds while Raptor recommends 4-8 oz per acre. Don't they have the same active ingredient?
Question about Raptor vs. IMOX. Maybe it's been answered elsewhere but I couldn't find it doing a search. Why are the recommended application rates so different between Raptor and IMOX? It seems like IMOX says to use 1-2 quarts per acre for many weeds while Raptor recommends 4-8 oz per acre. Don't they have the same active ingredient?