How many of you wait for your target buck...

I have, like swat I'm in an area where if you let one walk there is a chance It will live. Not a gaurentee, but a chance.

I've had many years with all my tags at the end of the season. It's not for the faint of heart and I don't think it should even be considered on properties that have little chance that a passed buck will live or return.

Right now I don't have a target buck for next year so? Who knows if I'll play that game next year. I have one I wouldn't shoot if a gun was held on me.....he needs a few years and if gets them he has the potential to be really special. That's another nut case game. Putting good ones the do not shoot list. But
it can be painful :). Neighbors buddy shot one on my do not shoot list this year. I was happy that he was happy, but that bucks not getting any bigger or coming by me.

I also target older bucks that don't seem to have the potential to be special. I'd much rather shoot a 4 year old 8 than a 3 year old 12.

I realize how far fetched all that can sound to hunters that hunt in areas where it would impossible. Right now "I" like playing the game this way. That may change down the road. At the end of the day this has to be fun. If you suck the fun out of it, it will get old fast.

Yep, pretty much sums it up for me. I have a young deer I call pitchfork that was on the no fly list this year. I posted a pic somewhere, I swear he looked 2.5. If he's a 160" 3.5, it's about to get interesting. He will be a giant typical if he makes 5.5!
I've had many years with all my tags at the end of the season. It's not for the faint of heart and I don't think it should even be considered on properties that have little chance that a passed buck will live or return.

I live in a County where you are only allowed one “trophy” buck per season. We do not have a large deer population but many of the deer survive because we are limited to archery equipment. This allows many of the deer to reach maturity. You are correct when you say that this should only be attempted when chances are better than average the deer is expected to survive the season. One of my problems is similar to yours, I always want to give certain bucks one more year. When I have a special buck showing up, I can’t help but wonder what he would look like in one more year. That usually does not end well for me but like someone else previously posted, I am not going to shoot a up and coming buck just because someone else might shoot him down the road. I will eat my tags if needed, This is the only way the area deer are ever going to reach their full potential and just knowing that bucks of a certain caliber are out there makes getting out of bed on those cold mornings worth it.
^^^^count your blessings. We're lucky to have the luxury. If I hunted northern big woods deer of highly pressured areas I'd probably stay in bed after being spoiled like I have.