Holy Snikies! Almost a full rack.


I need a better angle but I think this guy and I are well aquatinted.

Today 9:00 AM


Different guy at 2:21


And the 9 O'clock buck was with him.

Great looking deer! I guess I need to get mine out soon too.
Wow! Great pics Bill
Very nice pics and deer. Keep us updated on the progress.
Forking g3 on the driver side?
I would say that is real promising growth for this time of year. I generally wait until July to put out my cameras because it takes them that long to look like your bucks.
That thing would maul moose! Oh man! I would have to quit my job and pursue that thing until it was hanging. That's awesome for early June!
WOW they grow fast. I need to get some cams out!
Sure beats having pictures of 4Wheelers and dogs!

Nice bucks!

Truer words can't be spoken right there..

Forking g3 on the driver side?

The angle makes it deceiving. Split brow on the drivers side and some added junk below the brow.

I stopped sharing pics at the other site but feel safe here, for now.

If my hunch that it is the same deer is correct, this is him last year and this will be the third year he's been a resident. pics don't show it well but both sides have 3 kickers up front below the brows.



He was a daily day time visitor until about mid October when he got pretty nocturnal. I was trying to save him for youth season so we never hunted his area until then in Nov. If he plays his daily visit this year I'm going to have to try him early this fall. (Sorry Youth hunters)
that is a whole lotta fuzzy stuff on his noggin for this early...both of them for that matter. I have nothing but brow tines and beams out to about the ear tips so far.
Joker showed up again on the same camera.

I hope I get a head on shot soon so I know for sure it's my old friend.

Looks rather young too.
For this time of the year.....I'd be hard pressed to not call that a minimum of a (soon to be) 4.5 year old and likely older

If it's the deer I think it is the second set of pics above were last year.

This pic is from 6/29/2012 and I'm doubting there first year antlers so I'm going with at least 4 (IF) it's the same deer.

I need a frontal to verify all the little junk under his brow.

He was on the pass list in 2012. Hit list last year but he didn't get hit.

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Well the good news is, I learned this AM, that the deer in the first set of pictures is not my old friend he is a main frame 10. My old friend was a main farm 8. He could have expanded but didn't.

The better news is my old friend returned this morning, still a main frame 8 and still has the junk under his brow.

Dark pic but when I zoom and turn up the brightness there is no doubt for me.


Joker showed up again on the same camera.

I hope I get a head on shot soon so I know for sure it's my old friend.

Bill if this thing keeps growing he looks like he will be an absolute stud. This buck resembles 200"ers I see in the pens at this point. Not saying he will be a 200"er, but a horse no doubt. That body doesn't look small to me either, he looks thick.
It's hard to focus on the antlers, but does it look like a 6X6? Keep these pics coming, your getting me excited.
Bill if this thing keeps growing he looks like he will be an absolute stud. This buck resembles 200"ers I see in the pens at this point. Not saying he will be a 200"er, but a horse no doubt. That body doesn't look small to me either, he looks thick.
It's hard to focus on the antlers, but does it look like a 6X6? Keep these pics coming, your getting me excited.

I think the slightly blurred pic makes him look bigger than he is at this point. No doubt he'll turn into something.

I believe this is him head on last night based on the thicker G3 on the drivers side. For sure a main frame 10 but he does have something going on below the brow that doesn't show well here.


This may be him (below) last August. The only thing making me think maybe is the S shaped brow on his right. Hard to tell right now as he may not be as big as the one from last year.


I'll be honest growing and getting pics of show stoppers isn't hard for me after letting them walk for 7 years. Killing them is whole different story. I haven't mastered that science yet.

Last set of pics for about 10 days, my wife and I are heading to Alaska tomorrow.

Well maybe not, they have to have WiFi somewhere in Alaska.