Help with a plant ID


5 year old buck +
I have this growing in my woods. On the edge of the plot that now get a lot of sun it gets up to 6' high. In the woods luck if it get 2' high. I think it may be orange jewelweed, touch-me-not, jewelweed.



You're right. It's jewelweed.
I just found some of that on my farm it a good or bad plant to have? I'm sure my wife will like it
I did not see any browse on it is not invasive that I know of.
Jewelweed is a great plant to have. Generally it grows in high moisture/deep, organically rich soils. IME deer browse it extensively when in an area they are already using.
I have seen deer leave the clover and alfalfa fields. You look in the swamps and they are bedding and feeding on the jewelweed. Until bur oak acorns drop or until frost.
Jewelweed, Poison Ivy Treatment from Nature
Impatiens capensis

The Jewelweed plant has been used for centuries in North America by Native Americans and Herbalists, as a natural preventative and treatment for poison ivy and poison oak; and is a folk remedy for many other skin disorders .

Jewelweed is best known for its skin healing properties. The leaves and the juice from the stem of Jewelweed are used by herbalists as a treatment for poison ivy, oak and other plant induced rashes, as well as many other types of dermatitis. Jewelweed works by counter-reacting with the chemicals in other plants that cause irritation. Poultices and salves from Jewelweed are a folk remedy for bruises, burns, cuts, eczema, insect bites, sores, sprains, warts, and ringworm. Read on to learn to make your own poison ivy treatment ice cubes with Jewelweed.
Jewelweed is a smooth annual; 3-5 ft. Leaves oval, round- toothed; lower ones opposite, upper ones alternate. A bit trumpet shaped, the flowers hang from the plant much as a jewel from a necklace, Pale Jewelweed has yellow flowers, Spotted Touch-Me-Nots have orange flowers with dark red dots. The seeds will 'pop' when touched , that is where the name Touch-Me-Nots came from. The Spotted Jewelweed variety is most commonly used for treating poison ivy rashes although the Pale Jewelweed may also have medicinal properties .

Jewelweed blooms May through October in the eastern part of North America from Southern Canada to the northern part of Florida. It is found most often in moist woods, usually near poison ivy or stinging nettle. It is commonly said that wherever you find poison ivy, you will find Jewelweed - however this is not true as Jewelweed will not grow in dry places for long, and does not thrive in direct sunlight. Poison Ivy will grow in sun or shade. Jewelweed often grows on the edge of creek beds. There is plenty of jewelweed in the wild, and it is not hard to find once you learn to identify it. I recently read on a newsgroup that the garden variety of impatiens has the same properties, though not as concentrated. However, the garden variety is much more suitable for cultivation as its growth is easier to contain.Jewelweed Pictures by Karen Bergeron Copyright 2000-2011.

That's jewelweed, the deer love it on my place, and it can take browse pretty good. I think it looks awesome too
I've got it growing in my ash swamps. I would have to say it is way too wet for poison ivy, but it does grow with stinging nettle.
I see it browsed occasionally, not as much as poke weed gets eaten but they do eat it.