Help..Pear tree problem.


5 year old buck +
I dont have pic of this pear tree. I dont really fertilize pear trees, but i have one that is on year 3 from a 3 ft bare root and it has grown some, but not grew as much as others. It has always had a real light green almost yellow looking leaves. I think its called a sugar pear or seckel pear or something like that.

With this pear tree growing slower and haveing almost yellow looking leaves.( not wilting or dieing looking at all) what fertilize would you think this tree needs . Should it need reg fruit tree fertilize or something else? what is the yellow- to- light green leaves telling me?
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I spread a coffee mug full of triple 10 around the drip line of my trees. Bigger caliper trees i use two mugs. I also roundup a 2-4' ring around them so the grass doesn't compete. I think it makes a difference.
thanks for your input bigmike
Yellow leaves would indicate to much moisture or to little nitrogen, but post a pic and do a soil sample.
Yellow leaves would indicate to much moisture or to little nitrogen, but post a pic and do a soil sample.
Definitely not to much moisture!
I will try to get a picture this weekend if I go to my place this weekend.
Starving for nutrients/nitrogen most likely then. Do a soil sample.
I didnt get a pic, but I got it fertilized and I think it's going to improve after that.