Chestnut crab leaf issue..what to do

Derek Reese 29

5 year old buck +
Got a sweet little Chestnut crab on M7 rootstock from Turkey Creek that has been in the ground 3 years and is just starting to bud out..have noticed that it’s leaves have been chewed on by something even now and saw a few small brown-green beetles on the leaves yesterday..really want this tree to thrive as it’s in a nice spot next to my driveway near my house..wondering if I should hit it with some sevin or even some all season Neem oil? Have both available but didn’t know I’d the Neem would hurt the bees that are coming to pollinate? Will try to get some pics…
I’m not sure about the need oil but seven is deadly on bees. Have you ever tried Bt ( bacterial thurogensis)? Spelling might be off.
Wrap some tape sticky side otu on the trunk. If the tree isn't too near others, blast off as many as you can with a leaf blower. These guys might have to walk onto the tree. Might be juvenile stink bugs.

Dont quote me here, but neem oil mainly works on bugs sprayed directly on them.

I have aphids issues and want to spray them with something. Might hit them with neem oil.

Here's a good page on common bug issues. If you suspect one of them, look up pictures of them in juvenile and catepillar stages.

Thanks for the replies fellas I just think it’s strange that this tree out of the other 5+ dozen seems to have its leaves get chomped most every year…
Thanks for the replies fellas I just think it’s strange that this tree out of the other 5+ dozen seems to have its leaves get chomped most every year…
some trees are just consistently tastier than others.... this happens a lot. I have a couple plum trees that just get hit hard while apple trees right next to them never get hit. If its a young tree I just hand spray it with Beyer 3 in 1 insect and disease control

this year I have to get back to some more aggressive spraying - cant wait for the the Jap Beatles to show back up
Malathion works well on aphids.
Finally snagged some pics while mowing today…any thoughts on what it could be or how to help it?
IF you use insecticide, snip off all the flowers so the bees don't have any interest in it. Malinda is a parent of chestnut, couldn't find anything special about pests for either.

PErhaps looking at the tree several times a day might help. Some crittewrs are active at different times of the day. Like late afternoon, early morning, maybe even during the evening to evade bird predadation.
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IF you use insecticide, snip off all the flowers so the bees don't have any interest in it. Malinda is a parent of chestnut, couldn't find anything special about pests for either.

PErhaps looking at the tree several times a day might help. Some crittewrs are active at different times of the day. Like late afternoon, early morning, maybe even during the evening to evade bird predadation.
I would totally do that, but I want some fruit from this tree! Especially after a couple guys on here said chestnut was good to eat!
Wait until the tree is done blooming, then spray with Bonide fruit tree spray or something similar
Wait until the tree is done blooming, then spray with Bonide fruit tree spray or something similar
I think I even have some of that!!
I think I even have some of that!!
If it's a few years old, you may to pick up a new bottle for best results.
If a person wants nice looking apples for human consumption you may as well start a spray program of some sort. There are organic options if you choose to go that route.
I love chestnut apples, one of my favorite.
This is the first year I’ve gotten blossoms after planting spring 2021 so I’m pretty of the trees nearby that doesn’t get hit as hard is a hewes crab which is right up there as one of my favorites..about golf ball size but very smooth and sweet taste