As discussed briefly on some other threads I have a select cut logging happening next winter and my land is really at a crossroads in terms of what I do. I have a ton of ideas but don’t know which ones are good ideas and bad ideas. Instead of just doing things based on what is convenient I want a plan so it all comes together.
Before I ramble for 3 pages I’ll just cut to the chase.
1. Where should I put in new plots?
2. How should I expand the existing plots
3. I would like some type of plot by the cabin mostly for viewing purposes and maybe to hunt off here and there.
4. Where should I try and create bedding with the logger
5. What funnels and travel corridors should I be trying to create?
I’ll give you some info and if any additional info is needed please ask away.
A basic aerial and topo of my land:
Here is what I have existing for habitat improvements:
-Pink is existing food plots. #1 and #2
-Orange is existing logging trails.
-Green is the land boarder.
-Blue on the right hand side is the cabin.
-Yellow is an existing old edge that was previously cut with a significate edge created there.
-Solid black is good soils for food plotting
-Dashed black lines are places I think I can get food plots to grow but not quite as well drained and would be fall only plots most likely.
-Apple trees (on north side of plot #1 and on SE corner of property in orange circles.
-Big red "H" is a mature hemlock stand with a mossy forest floor. This area is being under utilized right now and I think needs to get cut hard possibly to create bedding.
-Note water source is not important on this land because there is water everywhere in this area in the low "humps".
-Note neighbors to the north only gun hunt 2 days a year and are never there.
-Note 320 acres to the west is all closed Paper land. Last year it only got hunted opening weekend during gun on a lease.
-Note Land to the south has some neighbors that have a lot of food plots and they hunt pretty hard. I think they have 5 plots on their 120 acres.
I'll be adding another post.
Before I ramble for 3 pages I’ll just cut to the chase.
1. Where should I put in new plots?
2. How should I expand the existing plots
3. I would like some type of plot by the cabin mostly for viewing purposes and maybe to hunt off here and there.
4. Where should I try and create bedding with the logger
5. What funnels and travel corridors should I be trying to create?
I’ll give you some info and if any additional info is needed please ask away.
A basic aerial and topo of my land:

Here is what I have existing for habitat improvements:
-Pink is existing food plots. #1 and #2
-Orange is existing logging trails.
-Green is the land boarder.
-Blue on the right hand side is the cabin.
-Yellow is an existing old edge that was previously cut with a significate edge created there.
-Solid black is good soils for food plotting
-Dashed black lines are places I think I can get food plots to grow but not quite as well drained and would be fall only plots most likely.
-Apple trees (on north side of plot #1 and on SE corner of property in orange circles.
-Big red "H" is a mature hemlock stand with a mossy forest floor. This area is being under utilized right now and I think needs to get cut hard possibly to create bedding.
-Note water source is not important on this land because there is water everywhere in this area in the low "humps".
-Note neighbors to the north only gun hunt 2 days a year and are never there.
-Note 320 acres to the west is all closed Paper land. Last year it only got hunted opening weekend during gun on a lease.
-Note Land to the south has some neighbors that have a lot of food plots and they hunt pretty hard. I think they have 5 plots on their 120 acres.

I'll be adding another post.