Hawthorn Seedlings


Buck Fawn
Does anyone know where I can get hawthorn (thorn apple) seedlings? Or any suggestions for crabapples to plant for ruffed grouse in N Wisconsin?

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You can order hawthorn from the WI DNR nursery, but I believe the minimum order size is around 500 trees. Grouse love red splendor crabapples - they have small fruit that holds on the tree until the birds eat it. Many of the counties have annual tree sales with red splendor crabapples - we can usually get a pack of 20 of these trees for about $40.
I got some from Cold Stream farms that are doing pretty well..they’re out of Michigan…shipping was reasonable too.
The Pennsylvania game commission sells them in the spring most years if they have them available
Missouri Department of Conservation will have tree seedlings on sale Sept 3rd. They offer Washington hawthorn, think the price for 25-75 in quantity is .70 a piece.
The Pennsylvania game commission sells them in the spring most years if they have them available
We got ours from both the PGC and Cold Stream Farm in Michigan. All have grown well for us. After a few years when they start dropping their red berries, there will be free seedlings under those trees, and others will pop up where critters have "dropped" them or buried them. Easy to transplant when they're under 2 feet tall., if you'd like to expand their locations on your property.