Hauling Bulk Fertilizer

We use the tubs. The medium tub will hold about 130 lbs of urea. Sometimes we haul with a trailer, other times we lift them into the back of the suburban. We then put the whole tub into the tractor bucket and haul them out to the field. We can fit three tubs into the bucket or about 400 lbs. Left over urea is stored in the tub till the next time we use it. We have stored it for a year in the tubs without any problems.

We have about 6 tubs that we use for fertilizer storage. They stack great and keep everything dry and clean.
Look into the poly livestock tanks. They come in different sizes but most of the shoots can empty into them from their bulk mixers, easy enough for them to lift up with forklift and set in the back of your truck. Throw a tarp over it when driving to keep from blowing out.

Tanks are relitively inexpensize and being polly will last for years even with fertilizers.
Everybody’s in the same situation handling relatively small amounts of fertilizer. There’s allot of hauling happening around the country.

I’m going to have to find a combination of tubs, drums and a stock tank depending on how much I am hauling. I typically amend my soil early spring and then fertilize when I plant. Amending the soil is when I use the most material. I can see a large tank for when I amend the soil and smaller tubs for urea. I’m a one man gang so even handling tubs I’ll want to keep the weight down to probably a 100Lbs per tub.

NWMN, I have not purchased any Urea yet but this is what I paid for DAP (.31), Potash (.24), AMS (.21) and Bagged 18-9-18-9 (.28). I also had a $40 blending and handling charge to mix my amendments, load them in a large tub that I took with me and returned to them. They used a skid steer to lift the tub to the dispenser.
I use trash cans half full is about 200 lbs. the last time I went to the coop to get some urea they told me they were done selling it that way as weighing it on the truck scale was a pain. This was after buying 1000 lbs earlier this year hopefully I can find someone willing to sell me some for next year.