Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving! Happy hunting!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Have a great day and safe travels.
Happy thanksgiving everyone
Gobble, gobble, gobble... eat more VENISON!
Have a great Turkey day to all ... eat, nap, and enjoy some adult beverages!
Have a great Turkey day to all ... eat, nap, and enjoy some adult beverages!

Didn't really plan it this way, but on my 4th Irish coffee of the day. *I don't have to drive anywhere today, as long as the kids don't require an E.R. visit. Turkey is about to go in the oven.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone back in The States. No turkey for me, but I will substitute with a venison steak.
Didn't really plan it this way, but on my 4th Irish coffee of the day. *I don't have to drive anywhere today, as long as the kids don't require an E.R. visit. Turkey is about to go in the oven.

I like a man who knows how to organize his day and start off with the priorities :emoji_wink:
Happy thanksgiving to all.
Honestly got the best of all the options Bill.
Deviled eggs. Best side dish.
Green bean casserole. Best veg dish.
Need the mash and gravy.
Turkey is the tradition
Got all the basis covered.

Only thing I'd say is missing is the stuffing.
And maybe a piece of pumpkin pie
Honestly got the best of all the options Bill.
Deviled eggs. Best side dish.
Green bean casserole. Best veg dish.
Need the mash and gravy.
Turkey is the tradition
Got all the basis covered.

Only thing I'd say is missing is the stuffing.
And maybe a piece of pumpkin pie

My son and I don’t really like the stuffing. But he did say is there any pumpkin pie when it was over. I told him that was his part and he Let us down :emoji_grin:
Yes, Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope everyone had a great one with friends and family...and especially thanked their wives/mothers/daughters/whomever that prepared the great meals and cleaned up afterwards.