Hanging deer

I let it hang outside, the hide kept it from freezing with a low temp of 26. Butchered it just after lunch. Backstrap chops were delicious. Ran out of the sealable bags, so all the meat besides the backstraps have been in the fridge for two days, to be packaged and stuck in the freezer today.

Thanks for all of the input guys!
Makes sense.

I never hunted Ohio in September. But even for the January muzzle loader season i remember skinning the deer straight away.

My friends in Ontario leave the hides on till they are done hunting.

Could well be regional differences.

Where I live now everyone skins deer immediately and hangs them for a period of day-degrees in a garage, barn, or walk-in cold room.

I've skinned a deer shot on a cold morning of muzzle loader hunting, that night... It's miserable around the joints.

Get rid of that hide ASAP in that situation
Maybe that's why. Maybe it's just such a miserable PITA that we always wanted to get the hide off while still warm and loose.