Hack and squirt black walnut?


5 year old buck +
I have 4 black walnut trees along my fence that I would like to kill. They are doing a great job of suppressing other trees/shrubs from growing along about 20 yards of my property line. My plan is to let them stand dead for a year or two, then reduce them to firewood. They are full of limbs since they grow in the open, and the largest is 12” dbh. So there’s no timber value in them.
My question is, are they too large for hack and squirt? I would think that I’d have to hack in several places around their circumference. I will use Tordon since nothing grows next to them. Also, should I wait for green up?

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It would probably work. Or you could just girdle and squirt them. "12 tree would have some nice wood for craft projects or gunstocks etc. if you have any need for that.
Hack and squirt will probably work. Girdle-squirt certainly will.
I’ve done the girdle and squirt on walnuts with the trunk about the size of my trucks steering wheel using Crossbow and it nocked them right out.
Bark is pretty easy to peel a strip off on those after making two shallow cuts around about 4”-5” apart. You can also drill and squirt using a 1/4 inch bit and give them a couple good siringe fulls of straight Crossbow into the holes, I just drill down in at a 45 and fill the holes with it.
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I pondered girdling first, I should probably go that route. If I do, I’ll double girdle and squirt. Anybody have an opinion on timing? I’d like to wait until the herbicide will be transported to the roots.

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Not sure where you are, but don’t do it when the sap is rising. The sap will push the chemical back out of the wounds. Maples are starting to bud in TN, so I’m done until June or so.

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Here's a walnut did last summer, leaves went yellow overnight. Only downside leaving it stand is that red tailed hawks are in it every day..I will be knocking it over sometime this month.

Here's a walnut did last summer, leaves went yellow overnight. Only downside leaving it stand is that red tailed hawks are in it every day..I will be knocking it over sometime this month.


If the red tails will keep the small rodent population from girdling my desirable trees, I’ll give them a roost tree gladly!

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Haha, as much as I like rabbits, I hate mice even more.

A tree as nice as H20's there, one could make some plaques for mounting antlers or fish on. The wood is so pretty and easy to work with.
I’ve got lots of walnut trees on the farm if they are in the wrong place they are firewood. I like bunnies way more than hawks. The fox can eat the mice or the hawks can work harder to get them.