Habitat-Talks September/ October 2023 trail cam contest

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  1. Photos submitted for the contest must have been taken by a trail camera during the current month or the month prior. Example= To be eligible for the June 2023 contest, the photo must have been taken with a trail camera during May 2023 or June 2023.
  2. Photos must be submitted on or before the last day of the month for the contest to be eligible. Example= March 31st is the last day to enter a photo in the March contest.
  3. The winner is decided by the photo that receives the most "likes", counted on the 10th day after the end of the month. Example= Photo with the most "likes" on July 10th is the winner of the June contest. In the event of a tie the photo that was posted first will be deemed the winner.
  4. Members can submit up to 5 photos per contest (one photo per post), however no photo can be submitted into more than one contest.
  5. Members can "like" as many photos as they wish. (Participation is key to this working. Don't wait until the end of the month to vote for a winner, "like" photos as they are posted if you like them).
  6. Categories to be announced on a monthly basis.
  7. Any and all disputes or questionable entries will be reviewed by Admin and handled accordingly.
  8. The category for this month is restricted to (No restrictions)
This year no monthly prizes but we’ll put all monthly winners in a best of best for a really nice custom built knife by @tooln
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It's an honor to again be able to build a custom knife for the winner. This summer has been extremely busy for me so I haven't been posting much. My wife suggested I try selling at a local farmers/artesian market that is held every weekend at a local grocery store parking lot. Well needless to say she had a great idea as it has been keeping me very busy. That being said it has allowed me to make a few bucks. So I have made a purchase of something I've thought about for a long time, a heat treat oven. The reason for this is to allow me to do more stainless knives. Heat treating Stainless is a totally different game than high carbon steels. Most, not all Stainless's require the steel be heated up in stages and held at temps for a considerable amount of time. An example of one stainless is to preheat and hold the blade at 1400 degrees F until it is equalized, then ramp to 1950 degrees F and hold at that temp for 30 minutes. With my gas forge this isn't easy to do, possible but not practical or easy. So the heat treat oven will allow me to do more. So the prize knife will be made from Stainless, I've also sourced some new woods that are pretty darn sharp looking. I'll come up with something special. I will also document the build along the way. So stay tuned. I'd also like to thank Bill for allowing me to build the prize knife.
I'll kick off shares but am doing so with a video of bucks filmed by a hand-held camera from my house. Accordingly, NOT entering it in the contest since not trail cam captured. Just couldn't think of a more fitting thread to make the share. 👍

Shot the video earlier this week and found it interesting all the bucks had hardened antlers, yet for the moment still are grouped up and tolerating one another. Can see early in the clip one of the more mature bucks has his ears pinned back protecting his ground under one of my Kieffer pears. Again, just sharing for fun and to kick things off and ask that the video be excluded from any official vote counting.

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I'll kick off shares but am doing so with a video of bucks filmed by a hand-held camera from my house. Accordingly, NOT entering it in the contest since not trail cam captured. Just couldn't think of a more fitting thread to make the share. 👍

Shot the video earlier this week and found it interesting all the bucks had hardened antlers, yet for the moment still are grouped up and tolerating one another. Can see early in the clip one of the more mature bucks has his ears pinned back protecting his ground under one of my Kieffer pears. Again, just sharing for fun and to kick things off and ask that the video be excluded from any official vote counting.

We should start a thread for filmed wildlife of hunts. I never know where to put any of my videos.
These youngsters have been hanging out for the past month or so very regularly. Seems like they are starting to sort out the pecking order. Watched a different buck work that tree in real time before hitting record. These keen cams are addicting..

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I haven’t gotten a single picture of a buck bigger than a crotch horn yet this year, in all fairness my cams have only been up for 3 weeks but still very odd. Either they just aren’t in their usual travel patterns for this time of year, or there are a lot less of them? Bow season starts tomorrow :/

This just came to my phone grrr
Land of the misfits...
A drop tine buck?

This smokey-colored hen is at least 4 years old.
I know your name says KY, but any chance you took that pic in NJ? My buddy sent me this last fall.

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Nope I'm in KY. This isnt a great picture but I saw what i believe is the same buck 2 years ago. There was a different buck i saw about 6 or 7 years ago that had the same issue. The antler never hardened. It swung freely as the buck walked and always kept its velvet on that damaged side. 1696266229770.png
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